Archive for Black Man’s Curse

New York Police Departments Is A Cesspool of Some Of The Worst Of Humanity, Including The Grand Jury That Indicted The Man Who Filmed Eric Garner’s Killing

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 4, 2014 by sheriffali

A New York City grand jury decided yesterday not to indict the police officer who choked Eric Garner to death back in July. However, Ramsey Orta, who was present and actually filmed Garner being choked, received a grand jury indictment shortly after the incident, reported The Huffington Post.


Weeks after the July 17 incident where Eric Garner was choked to death by an NYPD officer Pantaleo, Ramsey Orta was indicted by a grand jury on criminal weapons charges: one felony count of third-degree criminal weapon possession and criminal firearm possession. According to the HuffPo, Orta “testified that the charges were falsely mounted by police in retaliation for his role in documenting Garner’s death, but the grand jury rejected his contention.”


However, what’s odd about this indictment is that Orta’s wife was also arrested for an alleged assault incident less than a week after Ramsey’s arrest.


Did NYPD officers retaliate against Orta and his wife because he exposed the world to a clear picture of the brutality with which the department has been associated? It’s really tough to tell. Police corruption tends to have a really good way of covering for itself. And there’s also the Blue Code of Silence, the unwritten rule mandating that cops protect each other.


The chokehold used on Garner was banned by the New York police department back in 1993, but was used in 2014. And the result was the death of an unthreatening, unarmed man. An officer used excessive force and got away with it. Just another day in American law enforcement! [by Joshua De Leon ringoffire <dot> com]


Twitter @sheriffali


White Man’s Justice Is Black Man’s Curse! If All Of The Chairs In Your Home Are Filled This Thanksgiving, Please Remember The Thousands Of Families That Have An Empty Chair, Due To Police Violence And America’s Injustice System Against Minorities.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 27, 2014 by sheriffali

“Pain for which we cannot forget falls drop by drop unto the heart; and in our despondency and against our will, come wisdom through the awesome grace of God.”


“Pain breaks not the calm of the sweet twilight of age, for strength made perfect in weakness bears up with patience under it all. Ripe fruits of choice experience are gathered as the rare repast of life’s evening, and the soul prepares itself for rest.


The Lord’s people shall also enjoy light in the hour of death. Unbelief laments; the shadows fall, the night is coming, existence is ending. Ah no, crieth faith, the night is far spent, the true day is at hand. Light is come, the light of immortality, the light of a Father’s countenance. Gather up thy feet in thy bed; see the waiting bands of spirits!


Angeles waft thee away. Farewell, beloved one, thou art gone, thou wavest thine hand. Ah, now it is light. The pearly gates are open, the golden streets shine in the jasper light. We cover our eyes, but thou beholdest the unseen, adieu, beloved, thou hast light at even-tide, such as we have not yet! AMEN!”



Twitter @sheriffali