With Treasonous Donald Trump being the questionable President and Republican Traitors controlling the White House, House of Representatives and the Senate, can America’s Democracy survive?

Posted in Treasonous Donald Trump with tags , , , , , , , , , , on December 11, 2017 by sheriffali

At any other time and in any other situation, this questionable President, Donald Trump would have already been Impeached, along with his Vice President Mike Pence and his entire Administration removed. However, Republicans control both Houses of Congress and they are exactly like Trump, dishonest Traitors to America and the American people and it seems self evident that under no circumstances, would Republicans impeach the Treasonous, con man, corrupt, law breaking questionable President, Liar In Chief, Donald Trump.


At the present time, Special Counsel Robert Muller has made much progress and as Mr. Muller now reaches inside the White House, Donald Trump and 95% of Congressional Republicans, are paving the way to “remove” Robert Muller. Republicans in Congress have no loyalty to Country, Rule of Law or 99% of the American people. For decades, Republicans have dedicated their lives to America’s top 1% in order to remain in Power and Control, and those that can’t see these facts and vote for Republicans, they are either Billionaires or Fools. One way to find out is to check your Bank Account and you would undoubtedly know which one you are.


Donald Trump has violated the Constitution in just about every manner possible and as he continues to destroy America, he is aided by Republican Traitors who are intertwined and entwined with him in the Russia Scandal, Tax Scam and Religious fanaticism, pretending to be Christians when in fact they are bankrupt of Christ. They also pretend to be Patriots but they are void of Patriotism.


How America digs itself out of this deep and unforgiving waters is any body’s guess, but somewhere deep inside of me, I still believe that good triumphs’ evil and somehow, someday, America will again stand upright rather than upside down and, America will be a better place, after Donald Trump and the Republican Traitors.


Twitter @sheriffali

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Republican Legislators In Congress And Other GOP Office Holders That Are Still Supporting Donald Trump Are Traitors To America And The Constitution

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 24, 2017 by sheriffali

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From All That Is Known Thus Far, Trump Is A Treasonous, Corrupt To The Core, Literally Decimating America’s Democracy, Electoral Process, US 17 Intelligence Agencies And Americans Freedom And Liberty. Republicans Are Enabling In All Of These Egregious Machinations Against America And Its People.



The Base Supporters of Donald Trump and the Republican Party are perhaps mostly just common folks that are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and most likely, brainwashed, and they are Voting and Supporting their emotions as Dictated to them by Republicans and Trump.



Settling the fierce academic debate over whether or not a president can pardon himself would probably require a president to pardon himself for certain federal crimes and then, presumably after his term, challenge efforts to try him for those crimes, his self-pardon notwithstanding. The mere fact that the current president is putting the question to his lawyers, though, speaks volumes not just about his culpability, but about where his priorities lie.



The pardon power stems from the Constitution’s stipulation that the president “shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” While the legal question would turn on whether a “grant” can be directed inward or only outward, the act itself would concede to the commission of “offenses against the United States.” By pardoning himself, Trump wouldn’t be inoculating himself against political jeopardy, only attempting to keep himself out of prison.



A president who claimed to be a tribune for law and order is mulling ways to immunize himself from prosecution for crimes, while showing no comparable mercy to anyone outside his immediate family or circle of conspirators. The Justice Department’s investigation of Russian influence in the 2016 election—and of the Trump campaign’s assistance in those efforts—is exposing as a sham Trump’s claim to loyalty to anyone other than himself.



Trump’s famously ghoulish campaign trail boast that he “could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and [not] lose any voters” was a slight exaggeration, but it spoke to something true and profound. The GOP base’s indifference to Russian election interference, and to Trump’s complicity with it, shows the strength of the bond Trump forged with a certain segment of the electorate through his unconventionally nasty and dishonest style on the stump. 



Twitter @sheriffali



Full Article By New Republic

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How Did America Stoop So Low To Fall Into The Hands Of Donald Trump And Steve Bannon, Bigots, Fascists, Racists, Liars, Crooks And Un-American? What Is Donald Trump Hiding?

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 20, 2017 by sheriffali

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To Fully Restore America’s Election Credibility And Damaged Democracy, Congress Needs To Set Aside Party And Give Priority To Country, By Carrying Out Independent, Verifiable, Bona Fide Investigation Into Russia’s Meddling In The 2016 Election; Trump Ties To Vladimir Putin And Russia and, The Suppression And Purging Of Voters, In The 2016 General Election.


Donald Trump has literally tore up America’s creditability from within and Internationally and with each passing day, Trump embarrassments becomes bigger and bigger. Unless these problems are corrected immediately, America’s Elections and claims of Democracy would be nothing but a joke to many Americans and most importantly, around the world.


New York Times – What Is Trump Hiding?


“In his short White House tenure, President Trump has already set a record for histrionic tantrums against the media — whether attacking CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times or MSNBC for revealing his 2005 tax return, as he did last week. He’s actually pursuing a well-worn path of American presidents blaming the press for their problems.


Five decades of reporting have taught me that whenever a president starts screeching about the media, it’s a sure sign he’s in hot water and fearing revelations about some policy disaster, damaging mendacity or political villainy. Even popular presidents with reputations for charming the press occasionally stoop to blaming the press for quagmires of their own making.


Today, the issues are different, of course — questions about Mr. Trump’s peculiarly warm embrace of Russia’s leader, Vladimir V. Putin, and Russian intelligence agencies meddling in the 2016 elections on Mr. Trump’s behalf. But the clash of powerful institutions is similar.


Mr. Trump’s attack on the media for publishing leaks from the F.B.I. and domestic intelligence agencies succeeded for a few days in diverting public attention from his Russian connections. He and his White House Rasputin, Stephen K. Bannon, may also reckon that by savaging the press, they can intimidate Congress into softening its investigation into the Trump-Russia link.


But the focus has swung back on the central question: What is the president hiding? If his campaign is innocent of illicit Russian connections, why not welcome the investigation and clear the air? If, as Mr. Trump said last month, his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was simply “doing his job” in talking with the Russian ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak about American sanctions against Moscow, why did Mr. Flynn lie about it?


More broadly, why has Mr. Trump evaded reporters’ questions about renewed fighting in eastern Ukraine or the Russian deployment of a new missile in conflict with a 1987 arms agreement? Why, after publication of his 2005 tax returns, does he still refuse to release his most recent returns? Will they reveal something that makes him beholden to Mr. Putin and Moscow?


No matter how much the president seeks to demonize the press, these and other crucial questions will not go away because today’s journalists are just as committed as those who covered past presidents to pursue them to the end.” NYT


Twitter @sheriffali  

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America Under Attack From Within!

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 8, 2017 by sheriffali


United States Of America Are Under Attack By Racist Donald Trump, Republicans And Trump’s Unqualified Nominees More Than Any Country or All Terrorist Groups Combined.


To the Democrats, Independents and the 52% of White Women that hated Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and voted {or didn’t vote} for the World’s biggest Con Man, Donald Trump as your President, you must be awfully proud of yourself, witnessing the “Destruction of 240 years of sacrifices, flushed down the drain by this Pathological Liar, Racist, Fascist, Bigot, Misogynist and Bankruptcy Swindler.


“Donald Trump is not looking out for America or the American people’s interest, Trump is doing what he has always done, “Screw Any And Everyone For What Benefits Donald Trump.” Just how stupid you Trump Voters are?


As we witness tonight, King of Racism, Jeff Sessions was confirmed as America’s New Attorney General. Mr. Sessions racism is so bad, Senator Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell held a special vote last night that stopped Senator Elizabeth Warren from reading a Letter from the Deceased Widow of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King. [We are thankful for the 2 Republican Senators that Voted Against Jeff Sessions]


Prior to Jeff Sessions’ confirmation, the Republicans had the Vice President Mike Spence break a 50/50 vote in order to confirm the most unqualified person, Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary. The only reason why Donald Trump nominated DeVos and the Republican Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos is solely due to the tens of millions of dollars she has given to Republicans. Crooked Donald Trump and the Fraudulent Republicans are selling out America to the highest bidder.


Trump is attacking the Judiciary, Media and any and all Opposition, in his quest to destabilize America’s Democracy and creates a Totalitarian Government, whereby Donald Trump can be a bigger Dictator than is “Protégé,” Vladimir Putin.


Join The Resist Movements Now And “Resist Crooked Donald Trump And The Fraudulent Republican Congress.


Twitter @sheriffali


President Obama, Russia Hacked, WikiLeaks Leaked, The FBI Shrilled, Republican Governors Suppressed The Votes, Committed Voter Fraud And Your Silence Is Threatening America’s Democracy! Why The Silence Mr. President?

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 30, 2016 by sheriffali


President Obama you have been an excellent President and those of us that supports you really loves you and care about you because you are a decent caring human being and have literally saved America from the George W Bush, Dick Cheney and the Republican Congress Chaos committed from 2001 through 2008, so we stand with you.


However, we know that you are fully cognizant that Republican Governors Suppressed The Votes and Committed Fraud and Donald Trump’s apparent victory is a result of Republican and Trump’s total dishonesty. What is most difficult for us to comprehend is why you have taken to “total silence” and even stated that the Election was fair?


We are also aware that you do not like confrontation, but Mr. President, this is not just about you; it is about America, The American People and the World. Apart from the Recount under way by the Third Party and Secretary Clinton Campaign that has joined in the Recount, you have the loudest voice.


Mr. Trump’s assertion that “Millions of People Voted Illegally” give you the unequivocal right to actually order an Audit of Trump’s claim as ridiculous as it may be, but Trump’s stupidity opens the door for you to act and act now you must.


Mr. President, your failure to do nothing isn’t going to sit well on the pages of History and you may or may not be aware of this, however, you are too an intelligent of a man, not to know this. And, your intervention to preserve our Democracy even after the Recount Donald Trump does become President, the pages of History will at least say, “President Obama didn’t buckle under Republican Pressure.” If you don’t, the statement will be the opposite, “you buckled.”


We stand with Secretary Hillary Clinton now and forever in this mortal world and beyond. Hillary Clinton has spent her entire adult life doing what is best for America and the world and she deserves the best from us and most certainly the best from you. It is your call!


Twitter @sheriffali
