Archive for America Fox News

Republicans And Fox News Are Playing The Victims When In Fact They Indulged Misogynist, Bigot, Racist, Hater And Bankruptcy Shyster Donald Trump To Explode On Others Including President Obama. But Now That Trump Has Become A Liability For Republicans, Fox And The GOP Are Crying Wolf!

Posted in Extreme Views, Paul Ryan, Politics, President Obama, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 9, 2015 by sheriffali

The Fox News sponsored Republican Debate was nothing short of a sham and embarrassment. Donald Trump was a regular Guest on several of Fox News shows as he went about with his Birther attack against President Obama. As Fox News is the Republican Mouth Piece, so was Donald Trump, Fox News Mouth Piece until Trump’s MOUTH became a danger to the GRAND OLD PARTY – THE GOP.


The Freak Show that was called Fox Sponsored Debate was designed and carried out to put Trump’s Worms back in the can. But once out, the worms crawled everywhere reaping havoc on the Republican Party. Donald Trump was always a Misogynist with a filthy mouth against women that challenged his dominion. Trump has been filing Bankruptcies for years literally “Robbing Investors” of Billions of Dollars and one has to ask, “Why didn’t Fox News ever asked Donald Trump about his abuse to women and being a Bankruptcy Shyster.”


Notice for a moment, the first question went to Trump soliciting his commitment not to run as an Independent. When that backfired it was Megyn Kelly turn to go after Trump over his disgraceful attitude towards women that Ms. Kelly and Fox News were always cognizant about. And following Ms. Kelly was Chris Wallace asking Donald Trump about being a Thief. Why didn’t Fox ask these questions before, it is not like it fell out of thin air!


It is surprising to see how many of the Corporate Owned Media are calling Ms. Kelly a Hero when she and other Fox Hosts for years participated in Donald Trump’s disgust. So long as it didn’t affect Republicans, everyone else was an open-range target. Well, we always reap what we sow!


Twitter @sheriffali



Ronald Reagan gave America Fox News and the misleading bias that is called today’s news!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 18, 2014 by sheriffali


Ronald Reagan gave America Fox News and the other bias sources with the stroke of a pen when his FCC Chairman replaced the “Fairness Doctrine Act” with the Syracuse Peace Council Decision. The House voted 302-102 and the Senate 59-31 to reestablish the Fairness Doctrine Law; Ronald Reagan Vetoed the Bill. The out-of-control News from all sides is the sole fault of the Republican “Insane Dead Greek god, Ronald Reagan.”


The Fairness Doctrine was plain and simple. When broadcasting news to the general public, those in charge should be required to produce opposite sides to the argument, giving the American people the fair and equal opportunity to decide for themselves where they stand on an issue. In the years following Reagan’s veto, one cable news network has dominated the ratings and does so with the slogan “Fair and Balanced.”


While the Fox News network claims to be impartial, they have made a name for themselves for being the go-to place for news for all American conservatives, demonizing any and all who oppose their agenda. Other networks are also guilty of taking advantage of the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine, namely the more liberal friendly “MSNBC,” but it’s presented in a different light. MSNBC, the top left-leaning cable news network, presents itself as a liberal or progressive news station, letting potential viewers known right out of the gate what they should expect.


It started in 1949 when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposed the policy that mandated that if the holders of broadcast licenses were to present controversial issues of public importance, they would have do so in an honest and balanced way to “afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views on issues of public importance.” According to, the Fairness Doctrine had two basic elements.


“It required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest, and to air contrasting views regarding those matters. Stations were given wide latitude as to how to provide contrasting views: It could be done through news segments, public affairs shows or editorials.”


It was called the “Fairness Doctrine” and was created to prevent the American people from receiving misinformation in the disguise of fact. Over 60 years after its creation, the Fairness Doctrine is a thing of the past and the American people are worse off because of it.


REX 84: Ronald Reagan’s plan to declare martial law and imprison Americans

10 reasons why Ronald Reagan was the worst president of our lifetime

Iran Contra anyone? Ronald Reagan’s historic foreign policy blunder

5 reasons why Ronald Reagan was worse than George W. Bush

From Reagan to Bush, how the GOP has broken the American dream


The history of the Fairness Doctrine can be traced back even further with the passing of the Radio Act of 1927. The Radio Act of 1927 “mandated the FCC’s forerunner, the Federal Radio Commission (FRC), to grant broadcasting licenses in such a manner as to ensure that licensees served the public convenience, interest or necessity.” [Researched from various sources including ADD INFO]


Twitter @sheriffali