Archive for African Americans

Ronald Reagan The Republican Greek God Was The Biggest Racist In The Highest Office

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 21, 2015 by sheriffali

Why should anyone be surprised that a 21 years of age white man wearing the South Africa Era and Rhodesia Apartheid Flags, with a Confederate License Place go into a Church and Kill Nine [9] African Americans?


Ronald Reagan threatened to veto sanctions against the Apartheid South Africa, however, the House and Senate passed the sanctions with a two thirds plus majority that rendered Reagan’s threat moot. Ronald Reagan went as far as calling Nelson Mandela a Terrorist, while siding with South Africa’s Botha.


Ronald Reagan was against The Civil Rights Act; The Voting Rights Act, and publicly said;


“If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so.” Ronald Reagan


Ronald Reagan’s Administration had the most scandals in American History with dozens of Convicted Criminals from the Iran Contra Scandal, The Savings and Loan Banks Collapse, all of whom George Herbert Walker Bush Pardoned hours before he turned over the Presidency To Bill Clinton on January 20, 1993.


The hate, racism, bigotry and the likes you see today, you can thank Ronald Reagan for wrecking America. Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News of Hate and Racism was Ronald Regan’s gift to America. Reagan bent the law to accommodate that parasitic plague, Rupert Murdoch whose Fox News have nourished the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated into brainwashing them into the haters and killers you see today in the extremist right wing Republican Party. [Sheriff Ali]


[NYT] AT the sprawling Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas one day last spring, I was met by five men with earpieces who escorted me to the pastor’s office. As I prepared to preach that morning, a rolling phalanx of bodyguards shadowed my every move — when I greeted parishioners in the church’s spacious narthex and even as I made a stop at the men’s room. We walked from the church study into the 4,200-seat sanctuary, the security team whispering into their wrists.


I was entering a sanctuary, a sacred space to speak the word of the Lord and to lift the spirits of God’s people. But I was also entering a black church, a site of particular power in this country, and a site of unspeakable terror.


That is what the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., became on Wednesday, when a young white male wielding a .45-caliber handgun unloaded his rage on nine souls, and that is why for the foreseeable future we will enter our houses of worship wary of violence.


Sites and spaces of black life have come under attack from racist forces before, but the black church is a unique target. It is not just where black people gather.


In too many other places, black self-worth is bludgeoned by bigotry or hijacked by self-hatred: that our culture is too dumb, our lives too worthless, to warrant the effort to combat our enemies. The black sanctuary breathes in black humanity while the pulpit exhales unapologetic black love.


For decades, these sites of love have been magnets for hate.


In June 1958, a dynamite bomb rocked the Bethel Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., led by the Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth, a civil rights luminary. It would take more than two decades to bring the white supremacist perpetrator to justice. In 1963, four girls were killed when the 16th Street Baptist Church in the same city was bombed. As the drive to register black voters heated up during Freedom Summer in 1964, nearly three dozen black churches in Mississippi were bombed or burned.


The hatred of black sacred space didn’t end in the 1960s. In July 1993, theF.B.I. uncovered a plot to bomb the First A.M.E. Church in Los Angeles, wipe out its congregation with machine guns, and then assassinate Rodney G. King in hopes of provoking a race war. In 1995, several men tooksledgehammers to the pews and kitchens of black churches in Sumter County, Ala. A year later, the Inner City Church in Knoxville, Tenn., was bombarded with as many as 18 Molotov cocktails as its back door was splashed with racist epithets.


President Clinton appointed a task force in 1996 to investigate church fires, which by 1998 had singed the holy legacies of 225 black churches. In November, 2008, three white men set the Macedonia Church of God in Christ in Springfield, Mass., ablaze hours after Barack Obama was elected the nation’s first black president.


And this wasn’t the first time Emanuel A.M.E. Church, founded in 1816, faced racist violence. After Denmark Vesey, one of the church’s founding members, plotted a slave rebellion but was foiled in the effort by a slave who betrayed his plans, Emanuel was burned to the ground by an angry white mob.


Twitter @sheriffali




As depicted in the Photo, America’s innocence into tragedy derived from right-wing insanity of their affinity with Guns; Police being armed Military Style waging War against Americans rather than protecting its people; Journalists being arrested; we have hit a new low!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 19, 2014 by sheriffali

Republicans, The NRA and Media Imposter such as Fox News, purposefully misuse the Constitution, hate, prejudice, bigotry and everything that is negative, to maintain their base that has turned America from its “innocence to the madness” we are witnessing today.


African Americans are killed more frequently in the present time without any repercussion to the Police that are supposed to protect them and even when White Non-Authorities such as Zimmerman provoked a confrontation and shot the 17 year old to death, the Corrupt Judicial System allows him to walk free.


Darren Wilson murdered Michael Brown in Ferguson and the State went as far as brining out the National Guard and are running huge tabs for all the Police that are employed day and night to quell the unrest. When it fact, this problem could be solved in a moment; arrest the Officer because there isn’t any doubt that he willfully killed Michael Brown. What kind of Police we have that shoots an 18 year old 6 times? Even charging Darren Wilson he would still have the privilege of being defended and that is more than he granted to the Michael Wilson.


If the table were turned and it was a Black Officer that had shot a White teenager he would be locked up and there would be no protection for him as they are providing for Darren Wilson. Americans, not all, have become envious of people that are non-white and do well. You live your whole life here; you worked 18 hours per day and become very wealthy, but if a White Police sees you driving a $100,000.00 plus car, he pulls you over and the first thing out of his mouth, “you are one of those that come to my country and live of Government Assistance.” When he sees on your License where you live and if it reads Beverly Hills or Palos Verdes, he manufactures some story about the vehicle seem to be swerving and ask if you were drinking. Never put a drop of Alcohol in your mouth, and then he says, well, take it easy. Reason; “he smells Law Suit and the possible loss of his job.”


When racial White people claims you playing the race card when in fact they are the racists, it makes you wonder, with another White Republican President; a Republican Majority in the US Supreme Court and Congress which has 273 Republicans and only “one” happens to be Black and he didn’t win an election he was appointed Senator when Jim DeMint resign to go and create more havoc. Where are we going? I wonder?


Twitter @sheriffali