Archive for Afghanistan

Jeb Bush Named George W. Bush His Top Middle-East Advisor; Just How Stupid The Bush’s Think Americans Are?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 8, 2015 by sheriffali

Just How Stupid The Bush’s Think Americans Are?


After spending months distancing himself from his family’s political legacy, Jeb Bush surprised a group of Manhattan financiers this week by naming his brother, former president George W. Bush, as his most influential counselor.


“If you want to know who I listen to for advice, it’s him,” Bush said Tuesday, speaking to a crowd of high-powered investors at the Metropolitan Club, according to four people present. The Republicans in the room spoke on the condition of anonymity to divulge information about the private meeting.


The remark came as part of an answer to a question about Bush’s political aides and their policy views, and whether he relies on the guidance of former secretary of state James Baker, guests said. Baker’s role in Bush’s orbit has been the source of consternation for some major GOP donors, who were upset that the 85-year-old ex-diplomat spoke to a left- leaning Israeli advocacy group in March.


Jeb Bush said that Baker is not one of his close advisers and that he leans on his brother for insights when it comes to Israel and the Middle East.


Embracing George W. Bush as a foreign-policy confidant is a risky and unexpected move for the former Florida governor as he readies for a likely presidential bid. While the former president’s approval ratings have improved since he left office in 2009, his foreign-policy legacy — particularly the long war in Iraq — remains deeply unpopular. He has also become anathema to some conservative activists for presiding over an increase in the federal debt, among other policies.


Jeb Bush has surrounded himself with many of his brother’s advisers and has endorsed many foreign-policy positions that mirror those of the former president. At the same time, Bush has repeatedly stressed that he has his own worldview.


“I love my brother. I love my dad,” he told an audience in Chicago in February. “I admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions that they had to make. But I am my own man, and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences.” {Source – Washington Post}


Twitter @sheriffali



Tom Hanks Supports President Obama’s Two Year Free College Tom Said “I Owe It All To Community College.”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 15, 2015 by sheriffali

President Obama hopes to make two years of free community college accessible for up to nine million Americans. I’m guessing the new Congress will squawk at the $60 billion price tag, but I hope the idea sticks, because more veterans, from Iraq and Afghanistan this time, as well as another generation of mothers, single parents and workers who have been out of the job market, need lower obstacles between now and the next chapter of their lives. High school graduates without the finances for a higher education can postpone taking on big loans and maybe luck into the class that will redefine their life’s work. Many lives will be changed.


Chabot College is still in Hayward, though Mr. Coovelis, Ms. Fitzgerald and Mr. Kennedy are no longer there. I drove past the campus a few years ago with one of my kids and summed up my two years there this way: “That place made me what I am today.”


Twitter @sheriffali


The Do Nothing Republican House And Senate Is Trying To Spin Their Seismic Loss Of Eric Cantor By Criticizing President Obama.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 12, 2014 by sheriffali

Like the “Rats” they are, Republicans are trying to spin the Seismic Political 8.7 on the Richter Scale Earthquake of Eric Cantor’s loss to the mostly unknown Tea Bagger, by criticizing President Obama. This was self evident from the hypocritical, deceptive, egregious three minute News Conference by Speaker John Jack-Daniels Boehner earlier today.


Boehner came out looking like the drunken over tanned Pirate like he always does and rambled on about President Obama’s policies that have made America worst. The drunken Sailor claimed that Obama hasn’t done anything about jobs, the economy, or the country and he went on to say that Obama’s Policy of bringing our Troops home from Iraq was a huge mistake and it is the reason why Iraq is in disarray. He said while Iraq is falling apart Obama is taking a Nap! Boehner also complained that Obama pulling our Troops out of Afghanistan is also another huge mistake.


Just imagine, this is coming from a man whose Party has done everything within their power to block anything and everything President Obama has done. The Republicans panacea over the past five years and four months since Obama has been President is to do nothing and say no and disagree with the President on all of Obama’s agenda.


If people want their lives not to fall back into the ditch where Bush and Cheney threw us, “we had better get out and VOTE BLUE in November. It is imperative that we hold on to the Senate and if at all possible, try and wrestle control of the House from this DO NOTHING GOP HOUSE AND SENATE.  


Twitter @sheriffali



The President was right!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 5, 2014 by sheriffali

Soldiers don’t risk their lives only for those Americans who deserve it; they do it for the nation as a whole.


The president and vice president, the only government officials elected directly by the entire nation, have a special responsibility to nurture this national solidarity. So, of course, President Obama had to take all measures necessary to secure the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Of course, he had to do all he could do to not forsake an American citizen.


It doesn’t matter if Bergdahl had deserted his post or not. It doesn’t matter if he is a confused young man who said insulting and shameful things about his country and his Army. The debt we owe to fellow Americans is not based on individual merit. It is based on citizenship, and loyalty to the national community we all share.


National solidarity is especially important for the national defense. Men and women serve in the armed forces for a variety of reasons, but one of them is the awareness that it is an extraordinary privilege to be an American, that it is a debt that needs to be repaid with service.


Soldiers in combat not only protect their buddies, they show amazing devotion to anyone in the uniform, without asking about state or ethnicity. This is the cohesion that makes armies effective.


These commitments, so crucial, are based on deep fraternal sentiments that have to be nurtured with action. They are based on the notion that we are members of one national community. We will not abandon each other; we will protect one another; heroic measures will be taken to leave no one behind. Even if it is just a lifeless body that we are retrieving, it is important to repatriate all Americans.


It is not dispositive either that the deal to release Bergdahl may put others at risk. The five prisoners released from Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, in a swap for Bergdahl seem like terrible men who could do harm. But their release may have been imminent anyway. And the loss of national fraternity that would result if we start abandoning Americans in the field would be a greater and more long lasting harm.


Israel once traded 1,027 Palestinian prisoners to get back one of their own. Another time they traded 1,150 prisoners to get back three of their own. They did it because of a deep awareness that national cohesion is essential to national survival. They did it because Israeli parents share a common emotional bond; the imprisonment of one of their children touches them all. In polarized countries, especially, you have to take care of your own. If you don’t, the corrosive effects will be cumulative.


 It doesn’t matter either that the United States government ended up dealing with terrorists. In the first place, the Taliban is not a terrorist organization the way Al Qaeda is. America has always tried to reach a negotiated arrangement with the Taliban, and this agreement may be a piece of that. In the second place, this is the dirty world we live in. Sometimes national leaders are called upon to take the sins of the situation upon themselves for the good of the country, to deal with the hateful and compromise with the loathsome. That’s their form of sacrifice and service. [David Brooks – New York Times]





After 5 years in captivity Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is freed and Republicans claim President Obama broke the law!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 1, 2014 by sheriffali

The Policy that the Republicans are claiming as to why President Obama broke the Law, isn’t what the facts states. Sgt. Bergdahl was a Prisoner of War and as such he was exchanged for Prisoners we have had in the illegal Guantanamo Bay Prison. Obama did try and keep his promise to close Guantanamo Bay, however, this needs authorization from Congress and Republicans have blocked that part.


Less than a dozen cases have been adjudicated from Guantanamo Bay Military Tribunal, however, we have tried in excess of 450 Terrorists in the United States Courts and have had 99.9% conviction.


Irrespective of where people stand on Guantanamo Bay, Americans, I mean all Americans, should be overwhelmed of the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s release. The Republicans have gone ape-nuts in criticizing President Obama over the Prisoner exchange. Just ask yourself, if Sgt. Bergdahl was the son of one of these sorry Republicans, “would they be complaining?”


Bush and Cheney broke almost every law in invading Iraq and in so doing we lost over 4,500 precious lives of our soldiers and some 55,000 were severely wounded. Of course we are not even counting the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives that were killed in our “so called collateral damage.”


Twitter @sheriffali


Satan’s Son Dick Cheney went on Fox Hades and denounced Obama’s Afghan Troop Withdrawal!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 29, 2014 by sheriffali


We lost 6,781 Soldiers and 50,159 were wounded, when George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld were in Office and, Dick Cheney had the nerve to go on Fox News and denounce Obama’s planned troop withdrawal from Afghanistan at the end of 2014. [We have been in Afghanistan for 13 years; lost over 2,000 precious lives; spent trillions and yet, Cheney and the warmongering right wing doesn’t only want to remain in Afghanistan, they want to start wars, almost everywhere. Just listen to John McCain and Lindsay Grahm!]


Cheney should be wearing an Orange Jump Suit with a Number on the back along with the rest of Bush’s Vulcans [gods of fire], for their criminal negligence in truncating the Afghanistan Justified War to Invade Iraq.


Why can’t the followers of these inept people see the truth? The malfeasance of these pernicious people and uselessness of the GOP House and Senate is so self evident, one has to be totally uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed, “to defend what was once called “The Grand Old Party,” the GOP!”


Twitter @sheriffali


George W. Bush Six Vulcans [gods of fire] bears responsibility for our economic predicament and the bifurcated world, due to their visionless truncated internecine Policies!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 14, 2014 by sheriffali

When George W. Bush campaigned for the Presidency in 2001 he never flinched or made excuses for his lack of knowledge on International Affairs. He empathetically stated time and time again, that his lack of International knowledge wasn’t necessary, because if elected, he would appoint people that had experience and vast knowledge in determining Policies.


Irrespective of whether or not Bush legitimately won the 2000 election or his coronation was that of the William H. Rehnquist United States Supreme Court, Bush became President-Elect. He had already chosen Dick Cheney as his Vice President and Bush kept to his word and apart from Dick Cheney, Bush appointed five additional Vulcans. Some of the six dated back to the Richard Nixon era; Gerald Ford; Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.


To make up for Bush’s lack of International Experience, Bush sought to bring together a team to convey intrepid; fearless, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, bold, daring, gallant, heroic, indomitable and the likes, because in the past decades, Republicans were always seen by many as the Party that was better at foreign policy than Democrats. Of course such predictions turned out to be very wrong, because this group of Bush’s Policy Makers were so self-centered and conceited; they were visionless about how the world really functions.


Completely ignoring economics, Bush’s Vulcans set out to enact Policies solely based on America’s Military Might. Their arrogance got the better of them and they adopted a much more confrontational approach and completely ignoring our European Allies they pressed forward with missile defense that brought about uneasiness within the world community. They completely ignored international treaties and agreements that the Vulcans thought wasn’t in our country’s interest. What was most astonishing is that the Vulcans abandoned the fundamental tenets of the cold war by disavowing deterrence and containment, solely because they believed that America’s Military Power was so awesome, no one would challenge us and to make matters worse, subsequent to 9/11, the Vulcans new approach was to promote Polices of “go it alone” with preemptive strike.


Bush’s Vulcans totally abandoned our working relationship with the Middle East with countries such as Saudi Arabia; they openly promulgated the cause of democracy and America’s role in transforming the region by forcing democracy through the barrel of a gun. As you can see, the Invasion of Iraq was not a spontaneous one, this came about from Bush’s Vulcans and since George W. Bush had no foreign affairs experience, whatever the Vulcans handed him, he sanctioned it.


In hind-sight one can see how it was easy for Bush to minimize our Afghanistan’s effort that was supported by the world and invade Iraq with the Vulcans shortsightedness of really weighing what is the true meaning of “democracy.” Democracy according to Webster is’ “to respect others even when you disagree with them,” the Bush Administration totally ignored that we are a government by the people and for the people. They also forgot that despite being the most awesome military in the world, we are entwined and intertwined with the world and despite our being ahead on every front, without being engaged with the rest of the world, “alone, we would splinter and fall!” No man or woman lives or dies to themselves and neither is any Nation, whether big or small!”


[Not because former President George W. Bush is no longer President since January 20, 2009 can we simply ignore the damage that was done to The United States by The Bush Administration. Policies and Decisions that were made by Bush’s Vulcans that George W. Bush sanctioned, affected us economically, domestically, internationally, militarily, and within every facet of our lives. To undo the damage caused by the George W. Bush Administration, it is going to take the remainder of President Obama’s Presidency and perhaps, just perhaps, the entire first and perhaps the second term of whomever the next President is in 2017]


[Partisanship and Party Affiliation, Republicans or Democrats,  Liberals and Conservatives and our lack of “real facts” has left most of the American people uninformed, ignorant, brainwashed or otherwise,  and it is going to cause us to self-destruct, unless or until, we stop trying to rip each other throats out, not because of hate, but surely, because of ignorance.]


Twitter @sheriffali


The Drunken Pirate and his one-eyed myrmidons!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 6, 2014 by sheriffali

President Obama is calculating some very serious odds with very serious consequences. He’s done alright navigating the shoals of Iraq and Afghanistan despite being handed the tiller by a drunken pirate and his one-eyed henchmen.


However, it is amazing to see on a daily basis Polls after Polls the low ratings Obama receives from majority of the American people. One must ask, what is the reason behind those low numbers? Despite Obama having stabilized the country financially, militarily and otherwise, Obama inherited a job market where the previous occupant of the White House lost over ten million jobs and handed the range to the new President with an unemployment rate that exceeded 10%, today the unemployment rate is the lowest since 2008 and stands at 6.3%. But, his critics’ complaints are that these are not high paying jobs. Irrespective of where the jobs fall in the pay scale, it is better to have 9,200,000 people working than sitting at home in desperation with the out of control Republican House of Congress, refusing to bring to the floor a vote to reinstate the unemployment insurance that expired since last December, that would most certainly help those that have suffered and is still suffering.


On two other fronts, the housing market that totally crashed under Bush due to lack of oversight and or regulations, have rebounded. The stock market where the Dow fell to 6,500 under Bush, it stands today above 16,000. The S & P that fell under Bush to 730 wiping people’s 401K Plans by 50% or more have rebounded to over 1,850, regaining 100% of the 401K Plans value and then some.


Any fool can start wars and that was the case with the drunken Pirate and his one-eyed myrmidons that was running an Ochlocracy. Obama is wise enough and intelligent enough to see the futility into dragging us into another war. And because Obama is smarter than the “warmongers” of the failed Bush Administration and the all mouth and no brain Republicans, they say he is weak. Being humble and prudent is the resilience of strength; being arrogant and capricious is the “hallmark” of true weakness.


Bush’s lackadaisical attitude towards the August 6, 2001 National Security Daily Briefing that was titled; “Al Qaeda determined to strike within the continental United States, using Air Crafts as lethal weapons,” one month and five days later led to the 9/11 devastation that killed over 3,000 Americans and people from other Nations. The direct cost for the 9/11 attack was 1.5 trillion and the subsequent cost for the two wars Bush got us into is well over 4 trillion dollars.


However, you didn’t hear the Republicans and Fox Misnomer News calling for Bush’s impeachment; cover-up or resignation, but the one unfortunate attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, they claim is far worse than Watergate. Under Bush there were 13 attacks to our facilities abroad that killed 60, but again, there was no outcry.


Twitter @sheriffali



President Obama and President Putin can rectify the present indifferences without starting a war, but, the demagogues must stop their vacuousness!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 30, 2014 by sheriffali

In the final analysis, President Obama and President Putin can resolve the indifferences over the annexation of Crimea. Mr. Obama using measured sanctions against Russia, while leaving Mr. Putin enough room to extricate himself, represents Obama’s intelligence over ego. It seems that Putin is not a crazy man but he is definitely a proud man! Putin initiating a call to Obama on Friday, is a sign that this brisk but dysfunctional period can end without each side killing the other!


If we step back for a moment and without ignoring the lives lost or the humongous number of injured soldiers, the trillions of dollars spent on both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars; we could have rebuilt all the damaged schools; repair our badly needed infrastructure; invest into retraining American Workers and do more to efficiently educate America’s Children.


What did we get for the thousands of lives lost and the trillions of dollars spent?


Iraq! After eight years all we did was replace a Sunni Dictator with a Shiite Dictator that cast his lot with Iran. I am no defender of Saddam Hussein, but Iraq is far worst today than when we unintelligently and arrogantly invaded that sovereign country.


Afghanistan! After thirteen years; the Obama Administration did finally kill Osama Bin Laden in 2011 and during the course over the past years, we captured some bad people. However, had we remained focused when we attacked Afghanistan, our Soldiers perhaps could have captured the bad people and we would have been out of there in a matter of two to three years.


John McCain and some Republicans that never saw a war they didn’t like should give heed to the words of the wise and the humble;


“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can; only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity.” DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER


“All wars represent a failure of diplomacy.” TONY BENN


“There never was a good war or a bad peace.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN


“As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination; when it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.” OSCAR WILDE


“War may sometimes be a necessary evil, but no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.” JIMMY CARTER


Imagine the irony! Jeb Bush, the man who “shop-lifted” the State of Florida that propelled his brother, George W. Bush to the Presidency, attacked President Obama for “America’s Passivity.” People can agree or disagree, but it is the opinion of many that George W. Bush erased 225 years of America’s credibility by his futile and inept war expeditions. Bush started a war on “terror” in Afghanistan that became an Orwellian never ending war on “terror,” solely because Bush truncated Afghanistan in order to invade Iraq, for which the end results for both wars were; thousands of dead soldiers; tens of thousands injured; one hundred thousand plus dead innocent Iraqi’s that was caught in what is deemed as collateral damage and trillions of dollars spent.


If the Polls are correct majority of Americans are presently giving President Obama a failing grade and within the same Poll, predictions are that Republicans will win over the Senate. To think of the terrible state America was in at the end of 2008 and compare it with where we are today, it is positively shocking that so many people can believe wantonness by the Republicans over reality!


Is it hate or Obama’s race that make him prey to the many whites? Gallup just released a Poll for which the results reflected that “more whites” are more inclined to the Republican Party since Obama became President.