Archive for 6 Corporations Owns All Media

Bush, Cheney And The GOP Congress Wrecked America; Obama Literally Saved America And Yet, Spineless Democrats, Republicans And The Corrupt Media, That Is Owned By Big Business, Blames Obama For All That Ails The Country!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 5, 2014 by sheriffali

Obama is the only President in US History whose approval rating dropped a single digit over a ten-month stretch and it was described as having “plummeted.” President Obama’s all-time low of 39% is higher than the lowest of any President since John F Kennedy. That’s right. At Republican god Ronald Reagan’s lowest; he was at just 35%. George W. Bush once hit 19%.


Congress has an approval rating of 9%, yet somehow, it’s Obama’s approval ratings that more than quadrupled Congress, that makes headlines and makes Democratic Congressional Candidates turn tail and run.


“Do you still think the Media is in Obama’s Pocket?”


Just imagine, 4 Billion Dollars was spent on the November Mid-Term to elect Politicians with a 9% Approval Rating, the same Politicians that haven’t cared about 95% of the American People and it is the Majority of the 95%, that voted Republican that  gave them control of Both Houses of Congress.

I do not look at Fox News because I have no interest in trash, hatred and lies. However, CNN has become Tabloid News without a doubt. On their summary during Tuesday night’s election return, David Gergen, Gloria Borger, Wolf Blitzer and others kept on exclaiming that Obama’s approval ratings were responsible for Republicans taking the Senate and gaining seats in the House. These are not uneducated people and they live “Politics.” They are fully aware that their willful misleading trashing of President Obama about his approval ratings when no other President since John F Kennedy maintained Obama’s ratings wasn’t going to help President Obama or his Party.


All 1,500 Television Stations; 9,000 Radio Stations; 1,100 Magazines, 1,500 News Papers And 2,400 Publishers are owned by six [6] Corporations. We know factually, Big Business and the Republicans are indivisible, however, Middle-Class and Poor Republicans, Democrats and Independents, had better wake up to the reality of:


“Polls are not intended to measure reality; it is intended to shape it.”


The problem is in our today’s America we have more ignorant, uneducated, uninformed and brainwashed people that get very upset when “facts are presented to them.” The reason being is that if those facts are contrary to what the Media told them, they would die being fools rather than even have an open mind to seek out the truth.


America is on a very slippery slope solely due to the 2% and Big Business that have bought and paid for the Republican Party. And, since the Media is Owned by Big Business, we no longer have Journalists, what we do have are Opinion Makers for which said Opinions are directed by their Corporate Bosses.


Twitter @sheriffali

 BARACK OBAMA - 11-06-14


We highlight other people’s crimes to take the moral high ground as a pretext to ignore the real issues! The issue of Race in America!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 21, 2014 by sheriffali

“America was built on two monumental crimes: The Genocide of the Native Americans and the Enslavement of Africans. The tendency of Official America is to memorialize other people’s crimes and to forget its own in order to seek a high moral ground as a pretext to ignore real issues.”


Two [2] Blacks are killed every week with impunity by White Police. This is a National and International disgrace and one that is never given any attention by Republicans. Between Republicans and Fox Misnomer News, it is self evident that the White Police was more than justified in shooting Michael Brown, the 18 year old teenager six [6] times.


This shouldn’t be a surprise to any sane person because if you look at the reality surrounding President Obama, a man who took over as President under circumstances that no other President had to deal with in the past 50 years.


Bush and Cheney reaped havoc on America and the world, they left everything upside down and threw us in deep and unforgiving waters. Obama came along and anyone that says we are worst off today than when President Obama took Office, are being deceptive, uninformed, ignorant and or, so brainwashed that to them, the 50% Black Man is the cause of all that ails America.


Earlier today Gallup released another Poll and Obama’s rating fell even lower, it is down to 35%. Why? The Dow was 7,200 when he took office and on Wednesday it closed at 16,979. The NASDQ closed at a 14 year high. Job opening in June stood at 4.6 million, the largest in 13 years. The Housing Market that collapsed by Wall Street Greed and perpetuated by the lack of regulations, bankrupted millions; millions lost their homes and those that manage to keep their homes, they did so with their mortgage under water. And yes, the Housing Market has rebounded. Unemployment that was over 10% with jobs being lost at the rate of 800,000 per month under Bush, job gains since Obama took Office is 10,000,000. Based on recent surveys, 75 of the jobs are high-wage jobs, not minimum wage.


The News Media reported that 33% of Americans wanted Obama impeached and one has to wonder why the news couldn’t be, 66% doesn’t want the President impeached. I will tell you why. The 1,500 Television Stations; 9,000 Radio Stations; the 1,500 News Paper; the 3,000 Magazines and the 2,400 Publishers are owned by six [6] Corporations and big Corporations aren’t friends with Obama. So, the Public no longer hear the News, they hear Opinions, Opinions as directed by the Corporate Owners to their Employees. Today, Americans are more uninformed about the difference between facts and fiction.


“WASHINGTON — Nearly two times a week in the United States, a white police officer killed a black person during a seven-year period ending in 2012, according to the most recent accounts of justifiable homicide reported to the FBI.


On average, there were 96 such incidents among at least 400 police killings each year that were reported to the FBI by local police. The numbers appear to show that the shooting of a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., last Saturday was not an isolated event in American policing.


The reports show that 18% of the blacks killed during those seven years were under age 21, compared to 8.7% of whites. The victim in Ferguson was 18-year-old Michael Brown.


While the racial analysis is striking, the database it’s based on has been long considered flawed and largely incomplete. The killings are self-reported by law enforcement and not all police departments participate so the database undercounts the actual number of deaths. Plus, the numbers are not audited after they are submitted to the FBI and the statistics on “justifiable” homicides have conflicted with independent measures of fatalities at the hands of police. [Partly USA Today]


Twitter @sheriffali