Archive for 2016 GOP Hopefuls

Republicans And Fox News Are Playing The Victims When In Fact They Indulged Misogynist, Bigot, Racist, Hater And Bankruptcy Shyster Donald Trump To Explode On Others Including President Obama. But Now That Trump Has Become A Liability For Republicans, Fox And The GOP Are Crying Wolf!

Posted in Extreme Views, Paul Ryan, Politics, President Obama, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 9, 2015 by sheriffali

The Fox News sponsored Republican Debate was nothing short of a sham and embarrassment. Donald Trump was a regular Guest on several of Fox News shows as he went about with his Birther attack against President Obama. As Fox News is the Republican Mouth Piece, so was Donald Trump, Fox News Mouth Piece until Trump’s MOUTH became a danger to the GRAND OLD PARTY – THE GOP.


The Freak Show that was called Fox Sponsored Debate was designed and carried out to put Trump’s Worms back in the can. But once out, the worms crawled everywhere reaping havoc on the Republican Party. Donald Trump was always a Misogynist with a filthy mouth against women that challenged his dominion. Trump has been filing Bankruptcies for years literally “Robbing Investors” of Billions of Dollars and one has to ask, “Why didn’t Fox News ever asked Donald Trump about his abuse to women and being a Bankruptcy Shyster.”


Notice for a moment, the first question went to Trump soliciting his commitment not to run as an Independent. When that backfired it was Megyn Kelly turn to go after Trump over his disgraceful attitude towards women that Ms. Kelly and Fox News were always cognizant about. And following Ms. Kelly was Chris Wallace asking Donald Trump about being a Thief. Why didn’t Fox ask these questions before, it is not like it fell out of thin air!


It is surprising to see how many of the Corporate Owned Media are calling Ms. Kelly a Hero when she and other Fox Hosts for years participated in Donald Trump’s disgust. So long as it didn’t affect Republicans, everyone else was an open-range target. Well, we always reap what we sow!


Twitter @sheriffali