Archive for the President Gerald Ford Category

President, John F. Kennedy: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Senator, Robert Kennedy: President, Gerald Ford: Senator, Ted Kennedy and President, Lyndon B. Johnson.

Posted in ANN ROMNEY, Children, Christ, Clint Eastwood, Cruelty, Darkness, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, God's Spirit, Hades, Heartless, Heaven, Hell, Hope for better tomorrows, Housing Market, humility, John F. Kennedy, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Poverty, President Gerald Ford, President Obama, Progress, Recovery, Scrooge on September 3, 2012 by sheriffali

I speak only for myself and people can disagree with me, but, having studied their lives from High School through University and from a humanitarian standpoint, these people truly cared about every human being, their Country and the World, but, that came at a cost and that cost was “The price one pays for caring and for doing good.” Most of the time you are grossly misunderstood by people, not necessarily uneducated or ignorant people, but, people who live by the assumption that any good deed must carry with it, some ulterior, sinister motive!


We don’t define History because History is about the past; however, our “deeds” allows History to define us as to whether we were a beacon of hope and light, or, a scrooge of darkness that permeated hopelessness!


As for President Barack Obama, I do believe that he possesses a “Spirit” in the likes of those above, but, it is going to take time, before History would be able to articulate one way or the other.


However, I do believe that History would be Kind to Mr. Obama because he risked his entire Presidency to do something that previous Presidents only talked about and that something is the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as “Health Care Reform.” In addition, he used his initial goodwill at the inception of his Presidency to “bail out our financial Institutions including the Auto Industry that kept us from falling into the abyss.”


Some Americans have very short or convenient memory and that is; “former President George W. Bush handed to President Obama; “an almost bankrupt country; two wars and two tax cuts which were unpaid for; unfunded programs and a collapsed Housing Market caused by deregulations for which Wall Street and most of the Banking Institutions used to scheme the American people out of their; Homes; Jobs; Saving and everything they had worked for all of their lives.

But, for Mitt Romney, The Republican Party and their followers, all of these disasters are somehow President Obama’s fault.