Archive for the Presidency 2016 Category

Is Not A Perfect Place But It Is A Wonderful World Filled With Dreams And Hope For All. Vote Hillary Clinton President!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Bush's Policies, Bushmaster .223 AR-15 ASSAULT RIFLE, Christianity, CNN, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Democrat, Democrats, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Dreams, Fox News, George W. Bush, GOP Insanity, GOP Is A Cancer, Hate, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Hillary Firewall To The Nomination, HIllaryClinton2016, humility, Koch Brothers, LGBT, Lincoln Luther Obama, Lindsay Graham, Mahatma Gandhi, Michelle Obama, Moslems, Native Americans, NRA, Obama Administration, Paul Ryan, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, PRECIOUS CHILDREN, Presidency 2016, President Obama, President Obama 2013 Inaugural Address, President Obama Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton Presidency 2016 Vote Hillary For President United Vote Blue Democratic Senate Democratic House Racism Fascism Bigotry Hate Gun Violen, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republican Scam, Republicans, Republicans Witch Hunt, SANDY HOOK BABIES, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Thank you Hillary, United States, White House 2016, Women, Women's Rights on July 16, 2016 by sheriffali


“Republicans Insanity Would Be On Display Beginning Monday July 18th Under One Roof Labeled RNC Convention.”



As the Politics reaches fever pitch remember just how much Republicans are very much alike when it comes to the Insanity of the Jihadists.



The Jihadists are big on the Quran and Guns!



Republicans are big on the Bible and Guns!



The Jihadists carries out heinous crimes against innocent people!



Republicans ignore that 93 Americans of all races are killed every day right here in America by some form of Gun Violence, yet, Republicans accept Blood Money from the NRA and defend the 2nd Amendment by profound misuse of what the Founding Fathers intended.



Jihadists accept Money from Despots and defend their insanity by misuse of Islam.



This November, we must Elect Hillary Clinton as President and remove Republicans from Leading the Senate and House of Representatives and as many Governors’ Mansions.



Hillary Clinton as President with a Democratic Controlled Senate and House can and will implement sensible Laws not to take away the rights of people to own Guns, but stop as many as possible unqualified people from owning Guns.




President Obama has rescued America from the Disasters of George W Bush, Dick Cheney and the Republican Congress and set us on a path forward, and, Hillary Clinton will continue President Obama’s Legacy, Policies and build on Obama’s Achievements that would inure benefits to all Americans and people of Goodwill around the World.



Give Hillary Clinton your support. Unite And Vote Blue For An Even Greater America.


Twitter @sheriffali


Twitter @hrcwhitehouse


Republicans From The Courts To Congress To Governors And Cities Have Become A Blight On America And The World.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, America's 2%, America's 98%, American Tax Payers, Blacks, Children, Colin Powell, Democrats, Education, Equal rights for all, Equality, Federal Courts, George W. Bush, GOP Insanity, GOP Is A Cancer, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Hillary Firewall To The Nomination, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, Presidency 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republicans, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, White House 2016, Women, Women's Rights on June 23, 2016 by sheriffali

On November 8, 2016 Vote Hillary Clinton President And Vote In A Democratic Senate And A Democratic House And Place The Right Wing Controlled Supreme Court Into A Liberal Court That Works For All.


In every aspect of our lives, Republicans are destroying it with their self righteousness because they have sold America to the Blood Thirsty National Rifle Association And sold 99% of Americans to the top 1%.


The Party of Abraham Lincoln is Dead and Abe is Mourning and Groaning in his Grave as he witness how Right Wing Extremists have taken his Party and burned it into the ground. The Founding Fathers are also mourning and groaning as they too witness the abuse of the Second Amendment that is the cause of Children, Women and Men, American Blood, being soaked into the ground from the recklessness of Guns and Gun Violence.


Support Hillary Clinton And The Democratic Party And In November Elect Hillary Clinton As Your Next President And Vote In A Democratic Senate And House To Restore Sanity Back To America.


Twitter @sheriffali 


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Trump’s Attack On Hillary Clinton’s Character; Presumptive GOP nominee gets facts wrong on Benghazi, Middle East refugees, gifts from Brunei and more .[Source: Factcheck {Dot} Org]

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Fox News, George W. Bush, GOP Insanity, GOP Is A Cancer, GOP Wrecking America, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HIllaryClinton2016, ISIS, Michelle Obama, Obama Administration, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics, Politics 2016, Presidency 2016, President Obama, Republicans, Republicans Witch Hunt, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, White House, White House 2016, Women, Women's Rights with tags , on June 23, 2016 by sheriffali

Donald Trump’s once delayed, and much anticipated, speech on Hillary Clinton’s character, included numerous false and misleading statements:


  • Trump falsely claimed that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens “was left helpless to die as Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed.” Two emails from Clinton show that she was awake after it was learned that Stevens had died in the attack on the diplomatic facility in Benghazi.



  • Trump misleadingly claimed that Clinton “accepted $58,000 in jewelry from the government of Brunei when she was secretary of state.” He didn’t mention that the gift was accepted on behalf of the United States, and that it was transferred to the General Services Administration.



  • Trump claimed without any evidence that Clinton “wants to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to settle Middle Eastern refugees in the United States.” The numbers don’t add up. The total refugee budget was $1.67 billion in fiscal 2016, so it is unlikely that Clinton could add “hundreds of billions” to the budget for refugee assistance.


  • Trump overstated his case when he claimed the U.S. “trade deficit with China soared 40 percent during Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state.” It went up 17 percent, and we note that trade is under the purview of the Commerce Department, not the State Department.



  • Trump blamed Clinton for the “disastrous strategy of announcing our departure from Iraq, handing large parts of the country over to ISIS and the ISIS killers.” The departure date was set by President George W. Bush. President Obama made the ultimate call to keep the scheduled departure date, not Clinton.



  • Trump falsely claimed that Clinton would “end virtually all immigration enforcement and thus create totally open borders for the United States.” Clinton supported a Senate immigration bill that would create a path to citizenship for those in the country illegally, but it also would have included large investments in border security.



  • Trump falsely claimed that the private server that Clinton used as secretary of state “was easily hacked by foreign governments.” Attempts were made to hack into Clinton’s server, but the identity of the hackers has not been determined and there has been no evidence to date that any of them were successful.


  • Trump falsely claimed that “Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20 percent of America’s uranium holdings to Russia.” The transfer was approved by a committee headed by the Treasury Department and made up of nine voting members throughout government, including one from the State Department.


  • Trump claimed he was opposed to the Iraq war “before the war ever started.” There is no evidence of that.


  • Trump wrongly said that “real wages for our workers have not been raised for 18 years.” Average weekly earnings for production and non-supervisory employees are up 10 percent, adjusted for inflation and seasonal factors, over that time period.



  • Trump described the North American Free Trade Agreement as “Bill Clinton’s disastrous and totally disastrous NAFTA.” President Clinton signed the legislation to implement NAFTA, but the agreement itself was negotiated and signed by President George H. W. Bush.



Twitter @sheriffali


Open Link To Read The Full Story: 






Republicans/Conservatives Are Signaling That Hillary Clinton Will Be Elected President In November. (Forbes Magazine)

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, HIllaryClinton2016, Michelle Obama, Obama Administration, Presidency 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republicans, Republicans Witch Hunt, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Right Wing Extremists, White House, White House 2016, Women, Women's Rights, World with tags , , on June 20, 2016 by sheriffali

We Democrats have a Golden Opportunity to Elect Hillary Clinton President; actually retake the Senate and a distinct possibility of taking the House of Representatives and also, several Governors’ Mansions.


This will give us the advantage of having 5 or more Liberal Judges in the Supreme Court, undoing some of the Draconian Decisions like overturning Citizens United, reestablishing Section 4 In The Voting Rights Act, Banning Assault Weapons and much more, making America even greater than what it is for all people, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Equal Rights Under The Law For All.


What we cannot do is become complacent and lackadaisical, because it is going to take allot of work and dedication.


Twitter @sheriffali


Forbes Magazine:


Visit and give Hillary your full support to bring about the positive changes America needs.






Does Donald Trump Cheat At Golf? A Washington Post investigation!

Posted in Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Politics 2016, Presidency 2016, Trump Cheats At Gulf, White House with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 3, 2015 by sheriffali

One morning in the mid-1990s, Mark Mulvoy was on the sixth hole of Long Island’s Garden City Golf Club with Donald Trump when the skies opened, and they ducked for cover under a nearby awning. The rain let up a few moments later, and Mulvoy, then the managing editor of Sports Illustrated, returned to the green. When he got there, he found a ball 10 feet from the pin that he didn’t remember seeing before the storm.

“Who the hell’s ball is this?” he said.

“That’s me,” the real estate mogul said, according to Mulvoy.

“Donald, give me a f—— break,” Mulvoy recalls telling him. “You’ve been hacking away in the g—— weeds all day. You do not lie there.”


“Ahh, the guys I play with cheat all the time,” he recalls Trump replying. “I have to cheat just to keep up with them.”


It’s a story that the current GOP front-runner hotly denies. “I don’t even know who he is,” Trump said when asked about Mulvoy’s account.“I don’t drop balls, I don’t move balls. I don’t need to.”

But just as Trump has emerged as a national phenomenon by tearing up the rule book of electoral politics, it appears the mega-developer’s willingness to bend the rules may apply to his philosophy of the links as well.


The Donald is known for describing himself as a man of unbridled accomplishment and success in virtually every area he’s attempted, and his golf game has long been one of his most highly self-touted skills.


[Why does everyone call Donald Trump ‘The Donald’? It’s an interesting story.]


“I’ve played a lot, and I’ve played well,” he said. “There’s very few people that can beat me in golf.” On multiple occasions during his campaign, he has let voters know that he “killed” Sen. Rand Paul when the two squared off this year. “I could play him a thousand times and never lose to him,” he said. And by all accounts, Trump is a very good golfer. Just maybe not as good as he says he is.


“The worst celebrity golf cheat?” the rock star Alice Cooper said in a 2012 interview with Q magazine. “I wish I could tell you that. It would be a shocker. I played with Donald Trump one time. That’s all I’m going to say.” (“I’ve never played with Alice Cooper,” Trump said. “That’s a terrible thing to say about people, especially me.”)


“Golf is like bicycle shorts: It can reveal a lot about a guy,” said Rick Reilly, the sportswriter who hit the links with Trump for his 2004 book “Who’s Your Caddy?” in which he lugged clubs for several of the world’s best golfers and VIP amateurs.


As for Trump? “When it comes to cheating, he’s an 11 on a scale of one to 10,” Reilly said.


Twitter @sheriffali


Open Washington Post Link For Full Article


Fox News Your Television For The Haters Liars Crooks Bigots Racists Welcomes The Republican 2016 Hopefuls On August 6, 2015 To Their First Debate. Too Many Clowns In The Political Run-Away-Clown-Train Some Had To Be Cut. What A Shame!

Posted in Politics, Presidency 2016, White House with tags , , , , , , , on August 2, 2015 by sheriffali

[Washington Post] The last few national polls are trickling in, finalizing which Republicans are in and which are out for this week’s first 2016 debate in Cleveland. It’s only the ten with the highest polling averages, remember, meaning that John Kasich’s well-timed announcement bump has displaced Rick Perry, whose attempt to pick a fight with Donald Trump very much did not work. With the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, the stage likely looks like this.


The biggest change in this new graphic is that Jeb Bush is no longer in the top two, for the first time since we started compiling these graphics in late May. That is what political pundits call a “bad sign” — but one probably shouldn’t read too much into it, just yet.


We don’t know how many more polls are waiting in the wings this week; it seems safe to assume that pollsters will be looking to capitalize on the big splash that each new poll will bring. But it is very unlikely we’ll see many dramatic changes to the stage as it appears above. But then, in this election cycle, you never know.


Twitter @sheriffali