Archive for the Kathy Perry Category

Hillary Clinton Is Amply Qualified To Be President. Be Part Of History And Vote Hillary Clinton The First Female President!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, American History, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Children, Colin Powell, Democrats, Dr. Susan Rice, Equal rights for all, Equality, GOD'S GRACE, HOPE, Kathy Perry, LGBT, Media, New York City, Obama Administration, Peace, Politics, Politics 2016, Poverty, PRECIOUS CHILDREN, President Obama, Republicans, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , , on November 7, 2016 by sheriffali


[WAPO] “WITH THE presidential campaign entering its final days, you have likely heard the latest theory gaining currency among political pundits: If the election is about Hillary Clinton, and not Donald Trump, she is sure to lose.


We have written a lot in recent months about why Mr. Trump is manifestly unqualified — by experience, temperament and outlook — for the Oval Office. We agree that attention paid to his unfitness is to Ms. Clinton’s benefit. But we also believe that fair examination of Ms. Clinton in her own right provides convincing evidence that she is well prepared and fully capable to succeed as president of the United States.



When we endorsed Ms. Clinton, we stressed we were not choosing between the lesser of two evils. “Hillary Clinton,” we wrote, “has the potential to be an excellent president. . . . Anyone who votes for her will be able to look back, four years from now, with pride in that decision.” Not only has Ms. Clinton sketched out a thoughtful and ambitious policy agenda but she has run an impressive campaign, including her choice of running mate and her nimble mastery of three debates.


We are not alone in our recommendation. Most newspapers — including conservative newspapers that never before supported a Democrat for president — have endorsed Ms. Clinton, as have publications that broke decades-long traditions of not choosing sides. She has been backed by an impressive number of officials, former officials and experts from both sides of the aisle, including cabinet secretaries, retired military and Nobel Prize winners. Tellingly, people who worked most closely with her are most enthusiastic. “Prepared, detail-oriented, thoughtful, inquisitive and willing to change her mind if presented with a compelling argument,” was the testimonial offered by Michael J. Morell, 33-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency, who has served presidents of both parties and never publicly backed a presidential candidate before. “I never saw her bring politics into the Situation Room.”


These capabilities — President Obama has said there has never been anyone more qualified than Ms. Clinton to serve as president — must not be obscured in the sideshow whipped up by her opponents and unfortunately enabled by FBI Director James B. Comey’s ill-advised letter to Congress last month. There is no question that Ms. Clinton has flaws and has made mistakes in her 30 years in public life, but the caricature painted by her opponents is more slander than reality. Yes, she was wrong to use a private email server as secretary of state, but that does not constitute treason. Nor, as Mr. Comey’s Sunday letter makes clear, did it involve criminal behavior. Yes, she and her husband should have taken more care in avoiding even the appearance of conflicts with the Clinton Foundation, but that again doesn’t mean that crimes were committed or that the foundation doesn’t do worthy work.


It is hard to imagine that any other politician subjected to decades of unrelenting conspiracy-mongering, unprecedented scrutiny and outright misogyny would fare as well as she has. Some of the emails from her staff stolen by Russia and released show thoughtless comments and embarrassing political calculations by her staff, but many others reveal a woman with discipline and resilience who thinks thoughtfully about the important issues of the day and pushes for pragmatic solutions. Those are the qualities we hope will result in her being elected president on Nov. 8.”


Twitter @sheriffali




Washington Post Editorial






Politifact: Republican Nominee Donald Trump Is The Biggest Liar And Pants On Fire Candidate That Has Ever Been Nominated By A Major Party For President. Examine The Diagram Of Both Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton And Judge For Yourself.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Equal rights for all, Equality, Extreme Views, Federal Courts, GOP Is A Cancer, Hate, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Honesty, HOPE, Hypocrisy, Kathy Perry, LGBT, Liar, Media, Obama Administration, Obama's Compassion, Paul Ryan, Politics, Politics 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Racism, Religion, Republican Scam, Republicans, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Vote Hillary, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , on November 3, 2016 by sheriffali



FACT: Donald Trump has filed 6 Bankruptcies totaling 4.7 Billion Dollars; has more than 3,500 Law Suits against him mostly for not paying his bills; has 169 Federal Law Suits against him; has a Federal Law Suit that begins on November 28, 2016 for creating a Fake University and embezzling tens of millions of dollars from Students that includes; Young People, Middle-Age, Veterans and yes, Senior Citizens.


The Federal Case is under the RICO-ACT – “Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization.” Donald Trump is also facing a Case in New York accusing him of Raping a 13 year Old Girl. This case begins in December 2016. Donald Trump has admitted to Sexual Harassment on a “Live Video” for which Billy Bush was fired from NBC for his participation. Trump admitted to Groping Women Genitals and kissing them without their permission and thus far, 13 women have come forward for Sexual Harassment by Donald Trump.


Donald Trump’s Pollster has just come forward accusing Trump for not paying $767,000.00 for Polls the Pollster conducted at the request and on behalf of Donald Trump.


Hillary Clinton: Admitted to making a regrettable error for using a Private Email and Private Server while she was Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton was cleared of any criminal wrongdoings by the FBI.


Hillary Clinton is a Lawyer, graduated from Yale University and Hillary has worked on matters concerning Children; Civil Right; Women Rights and Equal Justice For All Under The Law.


Hilary Clinton was First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of The United States, US Senator For New York and Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton has released her Tax Returns from 1977 through 2015. Donald Trump has refused to release any of his Tax Returns, and according to FACTS by the New York Times, Trump hasn’t paid any Federal Taxes for at least 18 plus years.


On November 8, 2016 we vote to Elect a New President as President Obama steps down from the Two Terms as allowed by Law. If you set aside the rambunctious out of control Media and Republicans, some Independents and yes, even some Democratic noise about Hillary Clinton and “Search The Truth” about Hillary Clinton, I have no doubt that the decision to Vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, wouldn’t be difficult at all.


Twitter @sheriffali



Politifact News Link:



Despite Hillary’s Amazing 92% Chance Of Winning The Presidency There Is No Room For Complacency!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bernie Sanders Baggage, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Children, Christ, Current events, Dick Cheney, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Equal rights for all, Equality, George W. Bush, GOP Insanity, GOP Wrecking America, Hate, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HOPE, Kathy Perry, LGBT, Media, Michelle Obama, Politics, Politics 2016, President Obama, Republican Scam, Republicans, Republicans Witch Hunt, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Vote Hillary, Women, Women's Rights with tags , on October 24, 2016 by sheriffali

[New York Times And Nate Silver’s-FiveThirtyEight October 24, 2016 Presidential Projection]


The Upshot’s elections model suggests that Hillary Clinton is favored to win the presidency, based on the latest State and National Polls. A victory by Mr. Trump remains possible: Mrs. Clinton’s chance of losing is about the same as the probability that an N.F.L Kicker misses a 30-yard field goal.  


From now until Election Day, we’ll update our estimates with each new poll, as well as collect the ratings of other news organizations. You can chart different paths to victory below. Here’s how our estimates have changed over time:


Support and Vote Hillary Clinton for President and Vote to Elect a Democratic Controlled House and Senate to keep America moving forward, as Hillary Clinton continues Obama’s Legacy, Polices and build on Obama’s achievements.


President Obama saved America from the Republicans Disaster – George W Bush, Dick Cheney and a Do Nothing Republican Congress!


Twitter @sheriffali




Donald Trump: Thug Talking Gibberish; Lies; Cheats; Has Issues With Women; Lazy; Limited And Has The Attention Span Of A Nanosecond!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Christianity, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, HIllaryClinton2016, Kathy Perry, Media, Planned Parenthood, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics 2016, Poverty, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, White House 2016, Whites, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , on October 3, 2016 by sheriffali


[NYT] “Donald Trump is a thug. He’s a thug who talks gibberish, and lies, and cheats, and has issues, to put it mildly, with women. He’s lazy and limited and he has an attention span of a nanosecond. He’s a “gene believer” who thinks he has “great genes” and considers the German blood, of which he is proud, “great stuff.” Mexicans and Muslims, by contrast, don’t make the cut.


He’s managed to bring penis size and menstrual cycles and the eating habits of a former Miss Universe into debates for the highest office in the land. He’s mocked and mimicked the handicapped and the pneumonia-induced malaise of Hillary Clinton. His intellectual interests would not fill a safe-deposit box at Trump Tower. There’s more ingenuity to his hairstyle than any of his rambling pronouncements. His political hero is Vladimir Putin, who has perfected what John le Carré once called the “classic, timeless, all-Russian, bare-faced whopping lie.”


This is a man who likes to strut and gloat. He’s such a great businessman he declared a loss of $916 million on his 1995 Tax Return, a loss so huge the tax software program used by his accountant choked at the amount, which had to be added manually. His cohorts, including the former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, reckon this makes Trump a “genius” because he could offset the loss against many millions of dollars of income for years afterward and perhaps pay not a dime in taxes. All of which did a lot of good for the United States of America and all the working stiffs who did not know that losing about a billion dollars is a financial masterstroke.



And this man, with the support of tens of millions of Americans, is a hairbreadth from the Oval Office.


I am shocked — yes, shocked! — Trump’s burbling about the Iran nuclear deal in the first presidential debate has received little attention. He called it “the worst deal I think I’ve ever seen negotiated,” before suggesting “Iran has power over North Korea” and should use it, before saying Iran had been given $400 million and then $1.7 billion and then $150 billion, before saying “this is one of the worst deals ever made by any country in history!”


Of course, Trump has no idea what is in the agreement, since that would require reading it, and so he would not have an inkling that it has slashed and ring-fenced Iran’s nuclear capacity until 2030, reversing the Islamic Republic’s steady accumulation of centrifuges, and has also opened the way for Boeing to sell Iran 80 commercial passenger aircraft — just the sort of job-creating deal Trump professes to like.


And this man, whose meanness and petulance and childlike inadequacies have been on display for more than a year now, may become president next month.”


Unite, Support And Vote Blue – Hillary Clinton President And Elect A Democratic Controlled House And Senate!


Twitter @sheriffali




New York Times Article:

Republicans Are In “Denial” About Hillary Clinton!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Bill Clinton, Democrat, Hillary Clinton, Kathy Perry with tags , , , , , , , , on October 27, 2015 by sheriffali

If there’s one thing you’d think the events of the last few weeks might accomplish, it’s to get Republicans to reconsider whether beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 will be the cakewalk they apparently have been expecting. Clinton has posted strong fundraising numbers. 


Joe Biden has pulled out. A Bernie Sanders upset is looking increasingly unlikely.  Clinton held her own, and then some, for half a day [11 hours] in last week’s Benghazi hearing. The credibility of the GOP investigations has been damaged.  Republican probe ringleaders may be reconsidering their focus on her emails.



But one of the most important advantages Clinton may have, according to Mark Halperin, is the quality of Republican thinking about the 2016 election:


Some Republicans so detest Hillary Clinton they are badly underestimating how likely she is, at this point in the campaign, to be America’s 45th president. Their denial is just as strong now as it was a month ago, before Clinton began a run of political victories that have enhanced her prospects….many elite and grassroots Republicans believe Clinton’s personality, which they can’t stand, will keep her out of the Oval Office no matter what.


Republicans are erroneously convinced they can beat Clinton solely with talk of Benghazi, e-mails, and other controversies that have nothing to do with the economy and the real lives of real people.


 Nowhere does the Fox News-Rush Limbaugh echo chamber more hurt Republican chances of beating Clinton than in the politics of scandal and controversy. To paraphrase the famous line attributed to Pauline Kael: everyone who conservatives know think the Clintons should be in prison. The problem is that swing voters don’t share that view in sufficient numbers to actually warrant banking a victory on placing those arguments front and center.



Twitter @sheriffali



Open Link To Read The Entire Washington Post Article: