Archive for the India’s Independence Category

Celebrating India’s 65 years of Independence August 15, 1947 – August 15, 2012

Posted in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Hope for better tomorrows, India's Independence, Mahatma Gandhi, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Uncategorized with tags , , , on August 10, 2012 by sheriffali

Celebrating India’s 65 years of Independence August 15, 1947 – August 15, 2012, With a Hindu Worship Song [Bhajan] that represents total Reverence to The Lord of the Universe!



Om Jai Jagdish Hare – With English Subtitles – Video


With English Subtitles – Video


India, a Nation with a Population of almost 1.3 billion people and is projected to become the most populace Nation in the world by 2015, India has come a long way from the suppression she suffered during the British Rule and let us not forget, the very brutal Civil unrest.

India’s guardian Angel – Mahatma Gandhi, who sacrificed so much to bring about India’s independence and was so strongly against his country being divided by “religion,” died at the hands of a religious fanatic, but let us also remember, the assassin was instigated  by the pessimists during India’s trying days.

Nevertheless, India today is the envy of the world. They are the largest Democracy and like the United States, “Power” changes hand, but not by guns and bombs, but by the Ballot Box – “one man one vote.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who visited India subsequent to the death of Gandhi, penned in his amazing book – “I have a dream,” he wrote; Having visited India and saw areas that represented prosperity and others, that “lived poverty,” the most amazing thing Dr. King said was that; despite not knowing about “three” square meals like we did in the West, – “They didn’t steal from each other.[At the time Dr. King visited India the population was 480 million people]


(the Universal Aarti)

Om jai Jagdish hare
Swãmi jai Jagdish hare
Bhakt jano ke sankat
Dãs jano ke sankat
Kshañ men door kare
Om jai Jagdish hare

Jo dhyãve phal pãve
Dukh bin se man kã
Swami dukh bin se man kã
Sukh sampati ghar ãve
Sukh sampati ghar ãve
Kasht mite tan kã
Om jai Jagdish hare

Mãt pitã tum mere
Sharañ paðoon main kiski
Swãmi sharañ paðoon main kiski
Tum bin aur na doojã
Prabhu bin aur na doojã
Ãs karoon main jiski
Om jai Jagdish hare

Tum poorañ Paramãtam
Tum Antaryãmi
Swãmi tum Antaryãmi
Pãr Brahm Parameshwar
Pãr Brahm Parameshwar
Tum sabke swãmi
Om jai Jagdish hare

Tum karuñã ke sãgar
Tum pãlan kartã
Swãmi tum pãlan kartã
Main moorakh khalakhãmi
Main sevak tum swãmi
Kripã karo Bhartã
Om jai Jagdish hare

Tum ho ek agochar
Sab ke prãñ pati
Swãmi sab ke prãñ pati
Kis vidhi miloon Gosãi
Kis vidhi miloon Dayãlu
Tum ko main kumati
Om jai Jagdish hare

Deen bandhu dukh harta
Thãkur tum mere
Swãmi Thãkur tum mere
Apne hãth uthao
Apni sharañi lagão
Dwãr paðã hoon tere
Om jai Jagdish hare

Vishay vikãr mitãvo
Pãp haro Devã
Swãmi pãp haro Devã
Shradhã bhakti baðhão
Shradhã bhakti baðhão
Santan ki sevã
Om jai Jagdish hare

Om jai Jagdish hare
Swãmi jai Jagdish hare
Bhakt jano ke sankat
Dãs jano ke sankat
Kshañ men door kare
Om jai Jagdish hare


(an original `translation’
by Dr.D.K.Bhanot)

Oh Lord of the whole Universe
Mighty Lord of the whole Universe
All Thy devotees’ agonies
All Thy devotees’ sorrows
Instantly Thou banisheth
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

He who’s immersed in devotion
He reaps the fruits of Thy love
Lord, he reaps the fruits of Thy love
Floating in a cloud of comforts
Floating in a cloud of comforts
Free from all the worldly problems
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Thou art Mother and Father
At Thy feet I seek eternal truth
Lord, at Thy feet I seek eternal truth
There’s none other than Thee, Lord
There’s none other than Thee, Lord
Guardian of all our hopes
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Thou art Godly perfection
Omnipotent Master of all
Lord, omnipotent Master of all
My destiny’s in Thy Hand
My destiny’s in Thy Hand
Supreme Soul of all Creation
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Thou art an ocean of mercy
Gracious protector of all
Lord, gracious protector of all
I’m Thy humble devotee
I’m Thy humble devotee
Grant me Thy divine grace
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Thou art beyond all perception
Formless and yet multiform
Lord, formless and yet multiform
Grant me a glimpse of Thyself
Grant me a glimpse of Thyself
Guide me along the path to Thee
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Friend of the helpless and feeble
Benevolent saviour of all
Lord, benevolent saviour of all
Offer me Thy hand of compassion
Offer me Thy hand of compassion
I seek refuge at Thy feet
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Surmounting the earthly desires
Free from the sins of this life
Lord, free from the sins of this life
Undivided faith and devotion
Undivided faith and devotion
In eternal service unto Thee
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Oh Lord of the whole Universe
Mighty Lord of the whole Universe
All Thy devotees’ agonies
All Thy devotees’ sorrows
Instantly Thou banisheth
Oh Lord of the whole Universe