Archive for the Endoresements Category

Don’t Forget: Hillary Clinton Is Blazing A Momentous Trail!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Democrat, Democrats, Endoresements, GOD'S GRACE, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, LGBT, Light, Limiting the black President, Mahatma Gandhi, Media, Michelle Obama, Native Americans, New York City, Politics 2016, Poverty, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , on October 25, 2016 by sheriffali


[WAPO – Eugene Robinson] “Not enough has been made of two obvious facts: Hillary Clinton, if she wins, will be the first woman elected to the White House. And it will have been the votes of women who put her there.


Think, for a moment, about what a remarkable milestone that would be. Consider what it would say about the long and difficult struggle to make the Constitution’s guarantees of freedom and equality encompass all Americans. The first 43 presidents were all members of a privileged minority group — white males. The 44th is a black man, and the 45th may well be a white woman. That is a very big deal.


The historic nature of Clinton’s candidacy has been all but lost amid the clamorous sound and fury of the Donald Trump eruption. The campaign has seen many unforgettable moments, but one that I believe will prove truly indelible came during the third and final debate, when Clinton was speaking and Trump interrupted her by snarling, “Such a nasty woman.”


Within minutes, “nasty woman” became an Internet meme — not so much because of what it said about Trump, since we already knew of his sexism and misogyny, but because of what it said about the moment. A “nasty woman” was on the verge of shattering the highest and most shatterproof glass ceiling of them all. That this accomplishment would come at Trump’s expense just made it a bit sweeter.


Polls show Clinton leading Trump among women by double-digit margins — an incredible 17 percentage points in a recent Fox News poll. If only men could vote, Trump would have a lead, albeit a shrinking one. But thanks to the 19th Amendment, Clinton is well ahead nationally and has taken solid leads in almost all the swing states.



Surely this has something to do with the “Access Hollywood” videotape in which Trump brags of groping and kissing women against their will — and the 11 women who have come forward to accuse him of doing just that. But I like to believe it also has much to do with Clinton and the virtues she has demonstrated during the campaign.”



We made History in 2008 Electing the First African American President that turned out to be “beyond” fantastic!


Let us make History again by Electing the First Woman President that is beyond “qualified” “experienced” and “intellectually temperamental” fit to serve on “Day One.”



This two Historic Moments would never happen in the Republican Party, at least for the foreseeable future. Let us hope for the good of America the GOP for once in the past 30 years do what is right for America.



Twitter @sheriffali



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The False Equivalence Between Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Is One Of The Most Nefarious Media Deceptions We Have Ever Seen.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, CNN, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Democrats, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Endoresements, Equal rights for all, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, ISIS, Megan kelly, Melania Trump Donald Trump Hillary Clinton President Obama Bill Clinton Michelle Obama Plagiarized Speech, Obama's Compassion, Peace, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics, Poverty, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republicans, Republicans Witch Hunt, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States with tags , , , , , , , , on September 13, 2016 by sheriffali


Don’t Fall For It! Donald Trump Is Disliked Because He Lies To People; “Hillary Clinton Is Disliked Because She Is Lied About.”


Let us begin on Taxes! Hillary Clinton has released 39 Years of Tax Returns – From 1977 thru 2015. Hillary and Bill Clinton pay a total Tax Rate of 34.2%.


Donald Trump has unequivocally refused to release any of his Tax Returns, sighting a Non-Existence Audit and the only [2] two returns that we have of Donald Trump from 1977 and 1978, Donald Trump paid Zero Taxes. It is not assuming but it is fair to say that Trump’s reluctance to release any of his Tax Returns is self evident that he is a scam Artist. He is not worth what he says he is and that is 10 Billion Dollars. He hasn’t given any money to Charity despite Trump’s claim that he has given 10’s of Millions to Charity. [No one can find anyone that received Charity from Donald Trump.


Hillary Clinton has dedicated her entire life to serving the Public and to date, she has never filed Bankruptcy, sued for unpaid bills, scamming innocent people, young, middle-age, Veterans and the elderly for running a Fake University that embezzled tens of millions from desperate and vulnerable people. Hillary Clinton has never been Divorced. And, despite the 100 Million Dollars Plus Republicans have spent over the past 30 years investigating Hillary Clinton, she has never been charged, indicted or arrested.


On the other hand Donald Trump has filed [6] six Bankruptcies totaling 4.7 Billion Dollars; sued 5,500 times including 169 Federal Suits, all for not paying his bills or for scams he committed. At the moment Donald Trump is ordered to appear in New York and California for FRUAD stemming from Trump’s Fake University where he embezzled 10’s of Millions of Dollars. The Court has placed these cases under the RICO ACT – “Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization.” Trump has been Married and Divorced [3] three times.


Donald Trump attempted to delegitimize the First African American President, Barack Obama by starting nefarious claims that Mr. Obama wasn’t born in the United States, despite Obama’s Mother was a White American Woman, born in El Dorado, Kansas.


Trump has been sued for Discrimination by the Federal Government; Donald Trump has aligned himself with the KKK and every White Supremacists Group Across America and in addition, Donald Trump is a Con Man, Corrupt and a Pathological Liar. Donald Trump is an outspoken; Bigot, Fascist, Misogynist, Racist and a perpetuator of Hate and Lies.


And yet, our Corporate Owned Political Media has brushed over all of Donald Trump’s egregious machinations and have constantly lied about everything having to do with Hillary Clinton, The Clinton Foundation and even Mrs. Clinton illness.


Republicans Sperm conceived Donald Trump and the Media Volunteered to be Trump’s surrogate mother.


Twitter @sheriffali





Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Firewall To The Nomination – Endorsements! Hillary Clinton 56.4%: Bernie Sanders 0%: Jim Webb 0%: Martin O’Malley 0.4%: Joe Biden 1.2%:

Posted in 2016 Presidency, Endoresements, Hillary Firewall To The Nomination, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , on September 13, 2015 by sheriffali

Despite big daily polling movement by the Media knocking Hillary Clinton, she has a gigantic and growing lead in another key metric with a strong track record of influencing the nomination process: Endorsements from elected Democrats.


A 56 percent majority of Democratic governors, senators and U.S. House members have endorsed Clinton for president, according to data tracked by FiveThirtyEight.


No other candidate has a significant share of support from elected Democrats. Joe Biden has 1.2 percent support for a potential run, while 0.4 percent (a.k.a. one person) goes to former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley. Sanders have no endorsements at all.


Clinton’s endorsement advantage represents a major barricade against Sanders’s run as well as a potential bid by Biden. Endorsements are a key indicator of candidates’ standing in the “invisible primary” — the period before any caucuses and primaries in which candidates compete for the endorsement of party leaders, interest groups and activists. Endorsements provide a window into how the invisible primary is playing out, and most importantly, they have proven more predictive than early polls in how candidates eventually fare among voters in caucuses and primaries.


So how much does Clinton’s endorsement lead actually matter? “I believe her endorsement lead is the best possible insulation against challenges to her front-runner status,” said Cohen, an assistant professor at James Madison University. “When it comes to amassing delegates in the various state primaries and caucuses, those endorsements will provide her with the campaign infrastructure to turn out votes that should neutralize the efforts of her opponents.”


Turning back to the endorsement data collected by FiveThirtyEight; Three components of the endorsement race demonstrate Clinton’s strength. What’s fascinating about the data above is not just Clinton’s advantage – it’s big – but that she already has reached an absolute majority of endorsements among all potential endorsements. It’s September — five months before any actual voting. Even if Biden or Sanders rounded up every uncommitted Democratic senator, House member and governor, they would max out at 44 percent. Among elected Democrats who have endorsed anyone in the race so far, 97 percent have backed Clinton.


Secondly, Sanders hasn’t gained a single endorsement. His campaign seems to acknowledge this as a weakness; The Post’s John Wagner reported last month that Sanders plans to make a concerted pitch for his candidacy to Democratic leaders. Sanders is of course running as an anti-establishment candidate, and this metric’s focus on support from elected leaders doesn’t play to his strengths. Nonetheless, a lack of any establishment support signals the party — as in, basically power within it — is not rooting for his name on the ticket.


Thirdly, Clinton’s advantage is substantially larger than at this point in 2007, when Barack Obama was able to surge after winning the Iowa caucuses. Clinton held roughly one-third of all endorsement “points” tallied by FiveThirtyEight (giving governors and senators greater weight), while today she holds an outright majority. Her endorsement lead in 2008 was more vulnerable precisely because she had not locked up the public support of many Democrats by late 2007. This time around, most Democrats have already backed her. [Washington Post FiveThirtyEight]


Twitter @sheriffali


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