Archive for the Benghazi Category

The False Equivalence Between Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Is One Of The Most Nefarious Media Deceptions We Have Ever Seen.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, CNN, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Democrats, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Endoresements, Equal rights for all, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, ISIS, Megan kelly, Melania Trump Donald Trump Hillary Clinton President Obama Bill Clinton Michelle Obama Plagiarized Speech, Obama's Compassion, Peace, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics, Poverty, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republicans, Republicans Witch Hunt, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States with tags , , , , , , , , on September 13, 2016 by sheriffali


Don’t Fall For It! Donald Trump Is Disliked Because He Lies To People; “Hillary Clinton Is Disliked Because She Is Lied About.”


Let us begin on Taxes! Hillary Clinton has released 39 Years of Tax Returns – From 1977 thru 2015. Hillary and Bill Clinton pay a total Tax Rate of 34.2%.


Donald Trump has unequivocally refused to release any of his Tax Returns, sighting a Non-Existence Audit and the only [2] two returns that we have of Donald Trump from 1977 and 1978, Donald Trump paid Zero Taxes. It is not assuming but it is fair to say that Trump’s reluctance to release any of his Tax Returns is self evident that he is a scam Artist. He is not worth what he says he is and that is 10 Billion Dollars. He hasn’t given any money to Charity despite Trump’s claim that he has given 10’s of Millions to Charity. [No one can find anyone that received Charity from Donald Trump.


Hillary Clinton has dedicated her entire life to serving the Public and to date, she has never filed Bankruptcy, sued for unpaid bills, scamming innocent people, young, middle-age, Veterans and the elderly for running a Fake University that embezzled tens of millions from desperate and vulnerable people. Hillary Clinton has never been Divorced. And, despite the 100 Million Dollars Plus Republicans have spent over the past 30 years investigating Hillary Clinton, she has never been charged, indicted or arrested.


On the other hand Donald Trump has filed [6] six Bankruptcies totaling 4.7 Billion Dollars; sued 5,500 times including 169 Federal Suits, all for not paying his bills or for scams he committed. At the moment Donald Trump is ordered to appear in New York and California for FRUAD stemming from Trump’s Fake University where he embezzled 10’s of Millions of Dollars. The Court has placed these cases under the RICO ACT – “Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization.” Trump has been Married and Divorced [3] three times.


Donald Trump attempted to delegitimize the First African American President, Barack Obama by starting nefarious claims that Mr. Obama wasn’t born in the United States, despite Obama’s Mother was a White American Woman, born in El Dorado, Kansas.


Trump has been sued for Discrimination by the Federal Government; Donald Trump has aligned himself with the KKK and every White Supremacists Group Across America and in addition, Donald Trump is a Con Man, Corrupt and a Pathological Liar. Donald Trump is an outspoken; Bigot, Fascist, Misogynist, Racist and a perpetuator of Hate and Lies.


And yet, our Corporate Owned Political Media has brushed over all of Donald Trump’s egregious machinations and have constantly lied about everything having to do with Hillary Clinton, The Clinton Foundation and even Mrs. Clinton illness.


Republicans Sperm conceived Donald Trump and the Media Volunteered to be Trump’s surrogate mother.


Twitter @sheriffali





President Obama and his two Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, have had only one Embassy Attack, Benghazi, that killed four Americans.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, 9/11, 9/11 Tragedy, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Dick Cheney, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HIllaryClinton2016, Republican Legislators, Republican Scam, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Senator John McCain, Tony Blair, Trey Gowdy Altered Documents, Uncategorized, United States, Veterans, White House, White House 2016 on June 29, 2016 by sheriffali

Under President George W Bush and his two Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, there were 13 Attacks and sixty killed.



Republicans has spent four years and millions of dollars, investigating a tragedy that was already investigated numerous times with the same conclusion, “there were no wrongdoings.”



From the George W Bush 13 attacks with 60 dead, there was ZERO investigation and what this proves is that Republicans are Bacteria and there are no known Antibiotics to cure the disease.



This November, Vote Democratic and let us give President Hillary Clinton a Democratic Senate and House of Representatives, so that President Clinton can make the necessary changes to help America become even greater than what it is.



Twitter @sheriffali


Twitter @HRCWhiteHouse



CIA: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton In The Benghazi Email GOP Investigation

Posted in Benghazi, GOP Committee, Trey Gowdy Altered Documents with tags , , , , , , , on October 20, 2015 by sheriffali

In a bombshell revelation, the Central Intelligence Agency reached out to Democrats serving on the Select Committee on Benghazi on Saturday to confirm that Chairman Trey Gowdy had altered documents provided to the committee by Hillary Clinton.

Monday, October 5, 2015, all five Democratic Members of the Select Committee on Benghazi sent a letter informing House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy (F-SC) that they planned to begin releasing witness interview transcripts, starting with the interview of former State Department Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, in order to correct the public record after numerous inaccurate Republican leaks.

“Despite claims that the Committee would be run with integrity, Republicans have engaged in a series of selective leaks of inaccurate and incomplete information in an effort to attack Secretary Clinton with unsubstantiated or previously debunked allegations,” the Democrats wrote.

On October 7, 2015, Gowdy sent a response to ranking minority member Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), stating that he was “disheartened at the nature and tone of Monday’s letter from your Democrat colleagues and you.”

In the letter, Gowdy referred extensively to Sidney Blumenthal, a long-time confidante and adviser to the Clintons, who served as assistant and senior adviser to Bill Clinton from August 1997 until January 2001.

Twitter @sheriffali

Open Link To Read The Entire Detailed Article


President Obama And Hillary Clinton 1 Attack Benghazi 4 Dead: George W Bush 13 Attacks 60 Dead: Ronald Reagan 7 Attacks 94 Dead!

Posted in Benghazi, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 7, 2015 by sheriffali

If President Obama was in the White House and having had at least 12 months of Intelligence Reports showing Al Qaeda as a detrimental threat to the United States and then on August 6, 2001 he received a Presidential Daily Briefing PDF that stated Al Qaeda determined to strike within the Continental United States and then 9/11 occurred on Obama’s watch, Republicans would have not only impeached Obama, but they would have sought criminal prosecution.


And if Obama and Biden along with Hillary Clinton had manipulated the 9/11 tragedy and invaded Iraq that killed 4,500 American Soldiers, Republicans would not have only removed them from Office, but they would have been tried for Treason.


When you consider all the criminal wrongdoings by George W Bush and Dick Cheney in the Bush Administration and to this date no one ever had to answer for the Crimes against America and Crimes against foreign countries and their citizens, it is numbing to think that “all of this Criminal Negligence and Criminality was simply water under the bridge.”


But to this date and despite Kevin McCarthy Public Statement of Taxpayers Money in the Republican Committee Benghazi Scam Witch Hunt, Republicans are still defending their Criminality; the Media prods along and the Democrats, except for Hillary Clinton and a few others, their silence is deafening.


Today October 7, 2015 The House Of Congress Voted 240 – 183 to continue the Benghazi Scam Investigation. It seems self evident that a large number of the American Public are truly uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed.


America’s New Motto! Lies Prosper – Truth Dies!


Twitter @sheriffali @QuoVadisGA


Petition Calling For An Investigation Of Benghazi Committee Leaves Republicans Reeling

Posted in Benghazi, Politics, Republican Scam with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2015 by sheriffali

A new petition calling for an investigation into the House Republican Benghazi Select Committee has put Republicans back on their heels as the American people are demanding answers.



The Petition from The Agenda Project states:



The actions of Leader McCarthy should disgust every decent American. This is not a “gaffe,” it is a gross assault on the most basic structure and purpose of government. It has to stop. No citizen – Republican or Democrat, or Independent – wants a government official to use his or her constitutionally granted power (and taxpayer dollars) to attack political opponents.




Further, the Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi released a letter to the Chair, Trey Gowdy, which calls the committee “an unethical abuse of millions of taxpayer dollars and a crass assault on the memories of the four Americans who were killed in Benghazi.”

Americans deserve to know exactly what happened in the lead up to the Select Committee on Benghazi and who played a part in this contemptible misuse of government.



“Since launching our petition this morning, we quickly had several hundred people sign on to the petition in the first few hours and, with the rate of new signatures, expect that to grow exponentially throughout the day. We’ve already heard positively from several members of the House of Representatives who agree with our position and support launching an ethics investigation into this matter.” said Erik Altieri, Director of Communications for the Agenda Project, “No matter your political beliefs or party affiliation, this exploitation of government power stands out as an egregious abuse of taxpayer trust and dollars. It’s funny that the party who continually rails against ‘big government’ is more than happy to use the infrastructure of that government to pursue personal, political vendettas. The American people deserve to know where millions of their tax dollars have gone and who is responsible for these political witch-hunts.”



What House Republicans are doing is a misuse of the legislative branch of our government. The government belongs to the people, and the investigative powers Constitutionally granted to the legislative branch should not be abused for partisan political purposes.



Twitter @sheriffali


Twitter @QuoVaidisGA






Rep. McCarthy admitted again today that the Benghazi Select Committee is based on a lie. You can add your voice to the growing chorus of those who are demanding that House Republicans be held accountable by signing the petition here.


Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham “scrotums” are on “fire,” because of Parboiled American Brown Rice!

Posted in 2001, Balls on fire, Benghazi, Bush's Policies, Commitment, Condoleeza Rice - Liar, Dick Cheney, Dr. Susan Rice, Dreams, Education, Equal rights for all, Equality, Extreme Views, Fox News, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, humility, Hypocrisy, John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, Libya, Lindsay Graham, Patience, Politics, President Obama, Racism, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, Violence, Women's Rights with tags , on November 27, 2012 by sheriffali

This “Rice” [Susan] looks fairly short to “long grain white rice,” Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Kelly Ayotte. Dementia! There isn’t any other word to describe McCain, Graham, Ayotte and others who are following them on the Benghazi tragedy. As for Mrs. Ayotte she follows McCain and Graham like a dog in “heat,” but as for those two guys, well they no longer have “heat,” they are possessed by “HATE!”


Ambassador Rice subsequent to the Benghazi attacked that killed our Ambassador and three other Americans, stated that the information she was providing was what they had at the time and that, we would have to wait until a proper investigation is completed, to know the facts. I am of the firm belief that the Obama Administration is doing everything possible to find the perpetrators of this heinous act and bring them to justice, just as Obama did with Osama Bin Laden.


We must never forget that it was George W. Bush and his Administration that sat on threats made by Al Qaeda right up until August 6, 2001. This is no fiction it is fact! The Court Ordered release of the NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) on August 6, 2001 read;


Al Qaeda determined to strike within the United States using Aircrafts as Weapons.”


The daily Intelligence Briefing on August 6,  was given to then President George W. Bush carried that statement right at the very top. Bush’s then National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice saw the same information as Bush did. Along with these two, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and many others would have had access to the NIE briefing and what did they do; NOTHING! They sat on their arrogant backsides and allowed us to be decimated by the 9/11 attacks that killed over 3,000 Americans on American Soil.


One has to wonder; where were the Balls on fire McCain, Graham, the “in heat” Ayotte along with the other non-stop critics on the Benghazi attack then? Where was the Republicans Media Mouth Piece – Fox News – when 9/11 occurred?


I am neither White nor Black and people can think whatever they want, but, I am no racist. However, to suggest that racism does not exist in America is a fool’s folly! It seems very apparent that when a Republican Administration Screws-Up we should just accept it because it is beyond us. However, in this Benghazi tragedy I do believethat it is not only because President Obama is a Democrat, but it has more to do with him being Black!


© Sheriff Ali November 27, 2012


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