Archive for the Angry McCain Category

Donald Trump Will Never Be President But He Peeled The Racist Scab Off Republicans, Some In The Media And Has Literally Embarrassed America And Damaged America’s Most Powerful Weapon – DEMOCRACY, By Falsely Claiming That America’s Election Is Rigged!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, America's 98%, Angry McCain, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Democrat, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Equal rights for all, Equality, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, Human Vulture, humility, Hypocrisy, Media, Megan kelly, New York City, Newt Gingrich, Planned Parenthood, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics, Politics 2016, Presidency 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Racism, Republican Scam, Republicans, RESPECT FOR ALL WOMEN, Right Wing Extremists, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Vote Hillary, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , , , , on October 19, 2016 by sheriffali


Republicans, The Media And Just About Any Sane Person Always Knew That Donald Trump Was, Is And Always Will Be, A Hard-Core Racist, Bigoted, Fascist, Misogynist, Bankruptcy Swindler, Con Man And Perhaps The Worst Of America, And Yet The GOP Nominated Donald Trump To Be President.


The Irony is mind-boggling! For Decades Republicans have been crying foul over fabricated Voter Fraud and now that their Nominee, Con Man Trump has stuck it in their Faces, somehow, they can’t seem to run away fast enough from this Low-Life-Disgusting-Man – Donald Trump. [A Bipartisan Study Of One Billion Votes Showed 31 Cases Of Voter Fraud – FACT]



[Los Angeles Times] “Donald Trump is the most ableist presidential nominee in modern American political history.


Trying to stay on top of Trump’s outrages is exhausting. The 2005 tape of him linking his fame to consequence-free sexual assault overshadowed his racist comments about the guilt of the Central Park 5. At the debate, he threatened to jail Hillary Clinton, so we had to talk about his fascistic tendencies — before returning to his abhorrent behavior toward women. Now that he released an ad mocking he’s Clinton for her alleged physical ailments, it’s time to talk about his ableism.


Ableism, the individual or systematic discrimination against and stigmatization of people with disabilities or people perceived to have disabilities, is still an unfamiliar concept to many Americans — some of whom aren’t even willing to admit that racism or sexism are real. Ableists convey the message that disabled people are not full members of our society, leading to exclusion and even abuse. Trump is fully complicit in sending precisely that message.


Trump is using invented illnesses to try and portray Clinton as not fit to lead.


Here are just a few examples. Trump has fixated on Clinton’s health for months now, but it’s gotten worse. At a recent rally, he pretended to wobble and then faint in front of a laughing crowd. He routinely questions her stamina (a thinly veiled code for health) and he and his surrogates promote conspiracy theories that Clinton has conditions including strokes, Parkinson’s and epilepsy. While it’s not necessarily ableist to want to know about a candidate’s health, Trump is using invented illnesses to try and portray Clinton as not fit to lead.


Fat-shaming is another kind of ableism, and Trump especially likes to mock women he deems overweight, such as Alicia Machado (the former Miss Universe) and Rosie O’Donnell. He has also made fun of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s weight. 


Bizarrely, Trump’s supporters have lately been using the candidate’s routine ableism as a defense against accusations that he mocked a disabled New York Times reporter last November. Supporters are arguing that Trump wasn’t specifically insulting the reporter, but that he routinely uses spastic arm motions — what Ann Coulter calls “standard retard” — to make fun of people.”


Save America By Supporting And Voting Hillary Clinton For President and Vote To Elect A Democratic Controlled House And Senate Congress.


Twitter @sheriffali



Open Los Angles Time Link For Full Article





Chuck Hagel – Senate confirmation Hearing for Secretary of Defense, and John McCain!

Posted in Angry McCain, Chuck Hagel, Defense Secretary, Insane McCain, John McCain, Politics, President Obama, Senate Confirmation, Vengeful McCain on January 31, 2013 by sheriffali

Prior to Senator Chuck Hagel’s unofficial endorsement of Obama in 2007/2008, John McCain and Chuck Hagel were best of friends. Senator John McCain – “The War Hero” that became insane and vengeful after losing the election to Obama in 2008.



With each passing day, Senators John McCain is becoming less and less relevant and combined with his self evident vehement hate for President Obama; he is doing much damage to America, his family and his friends.


John McCain and Chuck Hagel are both decorated Vietnam War Veterans and used to be “bosom buddies,” that is, until Chuck Hagel unofficially endorsed Obama in 2007/2008 and Mr. Hagel’s Nomination to be the next Defense Secretary.


A close study of Mr. McCain prior to his defeat in the 2008 election represented a man who cared about his country; its people and a person who was able to work with the opposition. However, it is self evident that McCain’s loss has sent him bonkers. In 2007, John McCain, Ted Kennedy and former President, George W. Bush came together with sincerity to resolve America’s Immigration problems through Immigration Reform. Subsequent to Obama becoming President, Mc Cain abandoned his position on the Immigration Reform.


John McCain is no longer the man he used to be and his insanity has brought out very obvious and sinister peculiarities about the man, and truly, this is a very sad state of affair. But then again that is what “hate” does to people.


As [Boethius] so wisely noted; “There would be no place for hatred among wise men. For who but the foolish would hate good men? Vice is a disease of the mind, just as feebleness shows ill health to the body.”


Chuck Hagel is a good and decent man; a man who when called upon served his country and received; Two Purple Hearts; The Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry; Army Commendation Medal and the Combat Infantryman Badge. Mr. Hagel took the patriotic path as opposed to those that willfully dogged the draft; George W. Bush, Bill Clinton; Donald Rumsfeld; John Bolton; Mitt Romney and so many others.


After returning to civilian life Mr. Hagel Co-Founded Vanguard Cellular; served as President of the McCarthy Group and served in the United States Senate from 1997 until he retired in 2008. He is currently a professor at the Edmund W. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.


The haters on the extreme right and few on the extreme left are misrepresenting Mr. Hagel’s statements with an unrelenting affront that is totally dubious. Two of Mr. Hagel’s remarks are;


“The Israeli Government essentially continues to play games…Desperate men do desperate things when you take hope away. And that’s where the Palestinians are today.”


“I think we should continue to pursue openings with Iran, understanding this is still a nation very hostile to the West.” We need to understand cold, hard realities and be very clear-eyed and clearheaded, but every opening we should take.”


After eleven years of war; thousands of our precious men and women in uniform lost their lives; tens of thousands lost their arms or legs or both and in excess of 60,000 in a peculiar mental state of mind, trillions of dollars spent, we need people like Mr. Hagel who ask us to be clear-eyed and clearheaded.


It is my distinct opinion that despite all of the “hubris” from McCain and others to deny Mr. Hagel to be the next Defense Secretary, we do have sixty seven sensible Senators that would see the wisdom in President Obama’s Nomination of Mr. Hagel.


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