Archive for August 15, 2017

Pathological Liar, Corrupt, 5TH Grader, Despicable Donald Trump, Has Been A Bigoted, Fascist, Racist, Misogynist, Money Swindler, All Of His Life And He Is Never Going To Change:

Posted in United States with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 15, 2017 by sheriffali

No right thinking, educated person should be surprised of Donald Trump’s awful Leadership as the questionable President of the United States. In all likelihood, Trump is America’s First Illegitimate President. It is difficult not to come to any other conclusion that the 2016 Election was stolen from Hillary Clinton, considering the Fraudulent Republicans Suppression and Purging of the Minority Votes and Trump’s Russian conclusion with Vladimir Putin.


The only thing worse than Donald Trump in the White House is the Republicans Controlling the House and Senate, that are actual enablers of Trump’s egregious machinations against America. As of the present time we are cognizant of the following Members of Congress that have taken Russian Money in the 2016 Election from Leonid Blavatnik, a close Ally of Vladimir Putin.


Mitch McConnell 2.5   Million Dollars

Marco Rubio        1.5   Million Dollars

Scott Walker        1.1   Million Dollars

Lindsay Graham   0.8 Million Dollars

John Kasich          0.25 Million Dollars

John McCain        0.20 Million Dollars


There may be many other Republicans; however, published Reports have disclosed the above people and the monies they took.


The simple question is that when Special Counsel Robert Muller discloses Impeachable criminal evidence against Donald Trump, are Republicans going to stand with America, or with the Treasonous, Traitor Trump?


America is in the worst situation it has ever been since its inception 241 years ago. How and if the United States could possibly climb out of these unforgiving waters, is anyone’s guess. The Constitution foresaw a Crooked President but it failed to imagine a Major Political Party enabling an American Traitor, Donald Trump


Twitter @sheriffali

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