Archive for October 14, 2016

The Media For Ratings And Mammon Is Legitimizing Russian/WikiLeaks Stolen Forgeries As Breaking News Facts And Instigating And Encouraging Vladimir Putin To Continue To Hack All Segments Of America.

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 White House, Democrats, Dick Cheney, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, Equal rights for all, Equality, Fox News, George W. Bush, GOP Derangement, GOP Insanity, GOP Is A Cancer, Gun Violence, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HIllaryClinton2016, Hypocrisy, KKK, Koch Brothers, LGBT, Liar, Light, Limiting the black President, Media, Media Bias For GOP, Michelle Obama, New York City, Newt Gingrich, NRA, Obama Administration, Politics, Politics 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republican Legislators, Republican Scam, RICH OR POOR, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, Vote Hillary, White House 2016, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , on October 14, 2016 by sheriffali


[NYT] “In the final weeks of a dizzying presidential campaign, Donald Trump is suddenly embracing an unlikely ally: The document-spilling group WikiLeaks which Republicans denounced when it published classified State Department cables and Pentagon secrets about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Mr. Trump, his advisers, and many of his supporters are increasingly seizing on a trove of embarrassing emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign that WikiLeaks has been publishing — and that American intelligence agencies said on Friday came largely from Russian intelligence agencies, with the authorization of “Russia’s senior-most officials.”


The Trump campaign’s willingness to use WikiLeaks is an extraordinary turnabout after years of bipartisan criticism of the organization and its leader, Julian Assange   for past disclosures of American national security intelligence and other confidential information.


The accusation that Russian agents are now playing an almost-daily role in helping fuel Mr. Trump’s latest political attacks on Mrs. Clinton raises far greater concerns, though, about foreign interference in a presidential election.


With the White House weighing its next move — from possible sanctions to covert, retaliatory cyber action — President Vladimir Putin of Russia insisted on Wednesday that his nation was being falsely accused. “The hysteria is merely caused by the fact that somebody needs to divert the attention of the American people from the essence of what was exposed by the hackers,” Mr. Putin said.


He did acknowledge that the disclosures were the work of an illegal hack — which is further than Mr. Trump went in Sunday’s debate. In one exchange with Mrs. Clinton, the Republican candidate said: “Maybe there is no hacking. But they always blame Russia,” he said, as part of an effort to “tarnish me.”


Mr. Trump has seized on more than 6,000 emails published so far this week, apparently from the personal Gmail account of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, John D. Podesta. Based on a few emails plucked from the account, Mr. Trump and his team have accused Clinton aides of improperly receiving inside information from the Obama administration.”


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