Archive for October 3, 2016

Texas Newspaper Destroys The Myth That Hillary Clinton Is The Lesser Of Two Evils!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, America's 2%, America's 98%, CNN, Democrat, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, GOD'S GRACE, God's love, God's Spirit, GOP Insanity, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton For POTUS, HIllaryClinton2016, KKK, LGBT, Liar, Media, Michelle Obama, New York City, Obama Administration, Presidency 2016, President Obama, President Obama's Accomplishments, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Spiritual Strength, United States, White House, White House 2016, Whites, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , on October 3, 2016 by sheriffali




A Texas newspaper hasn’t just endorsed Hillary Clinton. The Corpus Christi Caller-Times destroyed the media created myth that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are equals, but that Clinton is the lesser of two evils.


[Politicususa] A Texas newspaper hasn’t just endorsed Hillary Clinton. The Corpus Christi Caller-Times destroyed the media created myth that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are equals, but that Clinton is the lesser of two evils.


In their endorsement the editorial board of the Caller-Times Wrote: 

She is not, as has been sold, a mere lesser of two evils. Her experience and intellect would make her a standout in any group of candidates. Like President Obama said and didn’t need to be fact-checked, she’s more qualified than him or her husband.


Being the only serious alternative is both Clinton’s fortune and misfortune. It increases the likelihood of victory, but also of presiding over a nation with large groups of dissidents. While voting against her can be a statement of differing principle, voting for Trump would not rise to that level. It’s not a vote for Republicanism. The Republican Party’s principles and standards are beyond Trump’s reach.


We perceive in Clinton the capability to bridge the divide — to define rather than exploit our problems and pursue intelligent solutions. Her “basket of deplorables” comment made the task more difficult but it was a rare lapse by an otherwise level-headed servant leader with a history of self-correcting resilience. The former senator’s Republican colleagues remember her fondly as a middle-ground-seeking master of the art of deal-making. If there is to be a return to bipartisanship, she is the one to lead it.


It is rare to see an endorsement in this presidential election that focuses on why one candidate should be president instead of why her opponent is unfit to hold the office.


Hillary Clinton is not the lesser of two evils. She has never been. When one examines the facts, there is no contest between Clinton and Trump. Donald Trump has a real rap sheet that should disqualify him from being president. Hillary Clinton’s “crimes” are conspiracy theories that have been cooked up by the conservative media’s anti-Clinton conspiracy cottage industry that has spent decades as a robust source of profit for conservative authors and media.


The idea that Hillary Clinton is the lesser of two evils is a lazy media narrative that was created by corporate mainstream talking heads only interested in false equivalence to keep ratings and interest up during an election. It would take too much effort for the media to discuss the fact that Clinton’s approval ratings are a byproduct of decades of Republican attacks on her last name combined with the extreme polarization of the electorate.


2016 isn’t a lesser of two evils election. It is a base election that may turn into a rout because Republicans made the foolish decision to nominate a candidate with a closet full of evils to run against the most competent and qualified candidate to a major party’s nomination in the modern era of American politics.


Twitter @sheriffali





Donald Trump: Thug Talking Gibberish; Lies; Cheats; Has Issues With Women; Lazy; Limited And Has The Attention Span Of A Nanosecond!

Posted in 2016 Presidency, 2016 Presidential Election, 2016 Presidential Race, 2016 White House, Bill Clinton, Blacks, Christianity, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Scam, HIllaryClinton2016, Kathy Perry, Media, Planned Parenthood, POLITICIANS AND THE NRA, Politics 2016, Poverty, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, United States, White House 2016, Whites, Women, Women's Rights with tags , , , , , , , on October 3, 2016 by sheriffali


[NYT] “Donald Trump is a thug. He’s a thug who talks gibberish, and lies, and cheats, and has issues, to put it mildly, with women. He’s lazy and limited and he has an attention span of a nanosecond. He’s a “gene believer” who thinks he has “great genes” and considers the German blood, of which he is proud, “great stuff.” Mexicans and Muslims, by contrast, don’t make the cut.


He’s managed to bring penis size and menstrual cycles and the eating habits of a former Miss Universe into debates for the highest office in the land. He’s mocked and mimicked the handicapped and the pneumonia-induced malaise of Hillary Clinton. His intellectual interests would not fill a safe-deposit box at Trump Tower. There’s more ingenuity to his hairstyle than any of his rambling pronouncements. His political hero is Vladimir Putin, who has perfected what John le Carré once called the “classic, timeless, all-Russian, bare-faced whopping lie.”


This is a man who likes to strut and gloat. He’s such a great businessman he declared a loss of $916 million on his 1995 Tax Return, a loss so huge the tax software program used by his accountant choked at the amount, which had to be added manually. His cohorts, including the former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, reckon this makes Trump a “genius” because he could offset the loss against many millions of dollars of income for years afterward and perhaps pay not a dime in taxes. All of which did a lot of good for the United States of America and all the working stiffs who did not know that losing about a billion dollars is a financial masterstroke.



And this man, with the support of tens of millions of Americans, is a hairbreadth from the Oval Office.


I am shocked — yes, shocked! — Trump’s burbling about the Iran nuclear deal in the first presidential debate has received little attention. He called it “the worst deal I think I’ve ever seen negotiated,” before suggesting “Iran has power over North Korea” and should use it, before saying Iran had been given $400 million and then $1.7 billion and then $150 billion, before saying “this is one of the worst deals ever made by any country in history!”


Of course, Trump has no idea what is in the agreement, since that would require reading it, and so he would not have an inkling that it has slashed and ring-fenced Iran’s nuclear capacity until 2030, reversing the Islamic Republic’s steady accumulation of centrifuges, and has also opened the way for Boeing to sell Iran 80 commercial passenger aircraft — just the sort of job-creating deal Trump professes to like.


And this man, whose meanness and petulance and childlike inadequacies have been on display for more than a year now, may become president next month.”


Unite, Support And Vote Blue – Hillary Clinton President And Elect A Democratic Controlled House And Senate!


Twitter @sheriffali




New York Times Article: