Archive for August, 2015

Clint Eastwood The Stunt You Pulled During the GOP 2012 Convention Had A Major Flaw; “The Empty Chair Really Represents The Do Nothing Republicans.”

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 6, 2015 by sheriffali

These Chicken Hawks Want To Spend The Money On Senseless Wars But Are Hell Bent On Cutting Social Services For Students The Poor And The Needy.


Hey Clint, what type of country do you envision? One where the Rich get Richer and the Poor die of lack of Food and Medical Services! Any country that fails to take care of the vulnerable in their Society has no business criticizing anyone about Human Rights, Freedom and Democracy. We know you are a good Actor, Director and Producer, but, it seems self evident that your thoughts are no different than the Repugnant Republican Reprobates.


We are most certain that you are cognizant of the fact that President Obama has pulled us out of the deep and unforgiving waters that George W Bush, Dick Cheney and the Republicans threw us into.


However, you may disagree with my personal opinion, but you of all people should apologize to President Obama for your phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Empty Chair Metaphor!

I am not suggesting this because Mr. Obama is looking for an apology, but by you taking this Giant Step may cause the Republicans pause as to the sanity of the GOP Party.



Twitter @sheriffali


CLINT EASTWOOD - EMPTY CHAIR AUG 6 15CLINT WASTWOOD - EMPTY CHAIR OBAMA11225202_10204636634013842_7008209934779498632_nBUSH CHENEY 12 BILLION THEFT11705101_680842512048078_8281975310403781006_nCLINTON CAMPAIGN - NEXT POTUS


Fox Freak Show Tonight, Where Bigots, Racists, Chicken Hawk Warmongers, Bankruptcy Shyster, Religious Fanatics, Homophobes, Liars And Crooks Gather Together To Beat-Up On The 50/50 White African American President That Saved America!

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 6, 2015 by sheriffali

Yes Sir, this performance tonight is to find out who can say the dumbest of things; tell the biggest lies; promulgate the most racism and be the extreme obnoxious person that may end up being the Republican Nominee, For President Of The United States.

They wouldn’t have any difficulty because Republicans and Fox News cater to the uninformed, ignorant, and uneducated and the brainwashed, that loyally and consistently vote against their own interest.

Tonight Performers are all educated, so they are not espousing stupidity because they are foolish people, no sir, they do this because of the audience, their loyal voters would be watching and they the Republican Voters, well, they are suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome.

Twitter @sheriffali

FOX FREAKS - 3FOX NEWS - REPUBLICAN GOD - DUGGARSBUSH CHENEY 12 BILLION THEFTBARRY GOLDWATER - REPUBLICAN - WARNING11846183_619721581502555_584594109_n11846740_615541361921417_2939483243661503112_nGOP - 2016 HOPEFULS EMBARASSING AMERICA - 2

America Is Not A Center-Right Nation Don’t Believe The Republicans Fox Or Other Media See The Evidence

Posted in Uncategorized on August 5, 2015 by sheriffali

Most Americans hold the same view about life and what is important to them. It is the Politicians, the Media and the talking-heads Pundit would have you believe that America is a Center-Right Nation and that is unequivocally false.

Most people want to live and let live, however, in our midst we have the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and the brainwashed that Trolls Social Media with phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissistic deluge. The Politicians and the Media feeds on them for their own self gain.

Twitter @sheriffali

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We Wish You A Happy And Blessed Birthday President Obama And May Peace And Happiness Follow You All The Days Of Your Life!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on August 4, 2015 by sheriffali


Republicans Wrecking America And Embarrassing The Entire Country

Posted in Uncategorized on August 3, 2015 by sheriffali

11665360_10152978892686569_1685717361085530573_n 1002528_10152989629431569_6533944066471152522_n 11060047_10152999627096569_621285507710464201_n (1) 11807622_10153015845761569_9050243481621748009_o 11705101_680842512048078_8281975310403781006_n 11846740_615541361921417_2939483243661503112_nExcept for the 1Percent Republicans do not care about America or the other 99% of the American People.

The Republican Party purposefully cater to the uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed.

Fox News and the GOP promulgate phantasmagoric rationales and internecine Policies as Facts when it is crap.

That is the reason why more than 50% of Americans are ignorant, uninformed, uneducated and brainwashed vote against their own interest. It is called the Stockholm Syndrome.

Twitter @sheriffali

Fox News Your Television For The Haters Liars Crooks Bigots Racists Welcomes The Republican 2016 Hopefuls On August 6, 2015 To Their First Debate. Too Many Clowns In The Political Run-Away-Clown-Train Some Had To Be Cut. What A Shame!

Posted in Politics, Presidency 2016, White House with tags , , , , , , , on August 2, 2015 by sheriffali

[Washington Post] The last few national polls are trickling in, finalizing which Republicans are in and which are out for this week’s first 2016 debate in Cleveland. It’s only the ten with the highest polling averages, remember, meaning that John Kasich’s well-timed announcement bump has displaced Rick Perry, whose attempt to pick a fight with Donald Trump very much did not work. With the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, the stage likely looks like this.


The biggest change in this new graphic is that Jeb Bush is no longer in the top two, for the first time since we started compiling these graphics in late May. That is what political pundits call a “bad sign” — but one probably shouldn’t read too much into it, just yet.


We don’t know how many more polls are waiting in the wings this week; it seems safe to assume that pollsters will be looking to capitalize on the big splash that each new poll will bring. But it is very unlikely we’ll see many dramatic changes to the stage as it appears above. But then, in this election cycle, you never know.


Twitter @sheriffali


Born Deaf And Blind Haben Girma Graduated From Harvard Law School Talks With President Obama Using A Digital Device With Braille Characters. Ms. Girma 27, Works As A Civil Rights Attorney

Posted in BORN DEAF AND BLIND with tags , , , , , , , on August 2, 2015 by sheriffali

[NPR] To Haben Girma’s grandmother, back in East Africa, it “seemed like magic.” Her granddaughter, born deaf and blind, is a graduate of Harvard Law School and works as a civil rights attorney.


It’s easy to understand why the grandmother feels that way. Years before, she had tried to find a school in Eritrea for Girma’s older brother, who was also born deaf and blind. She was turned away. There were schools for blind children and schools for deaf children. But no school would teach a child who was deaf-blind (that’s the preferred terminology in the disability community). Girma describes that brother as “brilliant.”


Girma told the story last week at the White House, when she introduced President Obama during a ceremony to mark the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.



By the time Girma was born in 1988, six years younger than her brother, her mother had made a refugee’s journey from Eritrea to the United States. And in California, a deaf-blind girl like Girma had a legal right to an education.


In public schools in Oakland, she was educated alongside other students, leaving her mainstream classes for an hour a day to learn Braille.


In an interview with NPR, Girma — who turned 27 on Wednesday — explained more about the family’s journey.


In the winter of 1983, Girma’s mother, Saba Gebreyesus, left Eritrea. The war of independence with Ethiopia was going on. It was a two-week trek to Sudan, “walking at night to try to avoid the different military groups fighting in that area.” At one point she slept in a tree surrounded by hungry hyenas.


A Catholic resettlement agency helped Gebreyesus move to the United States.


In the United States, disability civil rights laws provided opportunities to Girma. TheIDEA law says every child with a disability is guaranteed an education, and the ADA bans discrimination based on disability.



Still, when Girma went to college, she was unsure whether to assert her rights under the ADA. A turning point came over an everyday decision: what to eat.


At Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Ore., Girma at first would walk up to a food station in the cafeteria and put out her plate. She’d eat whatever she was given. Sometimes she liked it, other times not.


She wanted choice. (“What if there was chocolate cake at Station Four?” she says.) So the food service manager agreed to email the day’s menu, which she could print on a Braille reader. But the menu came infrequently; food service managers said they were too busy.


Girma was reluctant to demand more. Mainly because it seemed trivial to complain about missing out on chocolate cake — or even getting a meal she liked — given her family’s own hard life in East Africa.



Twitter @sheriffali



Open the NPR.ORG Link For The Full Story