Archive for August 8, 2015

CNN Tabloid News, Fox Of Course And Other Media Outlets Are Already Romancing The Female Version Of Donald Trump – Carly Fiorina. Fiorina Wants To Do For America What She Did For Hewlett Packard. She Fired 18,000 Employees, Outsourced To Asia Thousands Of Jobs, Mired In Scandal And Failure, Hewlett Packard Fired Carly Fiorina.

Posted in 2016 Presidential Election, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , on August 8, 2015 by sheriffali

Carly Fiorina ran for the US Senate Seat in California in 2010, she lost badly and to this day, she owes campaign workers over $500,000.00. But now she wants to be President! Remarkably and Heartwarming!


Carly Fiorina has “one” target on her mind, Hillary Clinton and she follows Mrs. Clinton around as though Mrs. Clinton stole Fiorina’s Dog. Every News show she goes on she calls Mrs. Clinton a Liar. On MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthews asked Fiorina to name one thing Mrs. Clinton lied about; Fiorina constant answer – BENGHAZI!


But we shouldn’t be surprised because Fiorina being a Repugnant Republican Reprobate totally bankrupt of shame, she follows in the footsteps of John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz and the other Republican Despots that wouldn’t investigate George W Bush and Dick Cheney for Billions of Dollars that are unaccounted for; Iraq’s illegal invasion; torture and sitting on their behinds for 9 months with information available to them about Al Qaeda and allowed 9/11 tragedy to occur. Under George W Bush we had 7 attacks that killed 53 people at our foreign Embassies and to this date, there isn’t one question about that.


However, after 13 investigations and more than 57 million dollars spent, Republicans are at it again. And let us not forget what Carly Fiorina and the other Republican Reprobates want to do on the first day in Office is to Repeal Obamacare with no plans for the 16 million plus people.


The Middle Class and the Poor that vote Republican have a serious case of the Stockholm Syndrome and their Party Leaders prey on them because they are uninformed, ignorant, uneducated and brainwashed.


Twitter @sheriffali


Jeb Conveniently Forgets That His Brother, The GI Joe Moron George W Bush, Invaded Iraq And Toppled Saddam Hussein The Sunni Iraqi Leader And George W Bush Installed Nour Al-Maliki A Shiite That Was Exiled In Iran For 20 Years, but Jeb Bush Blames President Obama And Hillary Clinton For Iraq’s Chaos.

Posted in George W. Bush, Politics, President Obama, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists with tags , , , , , , , on August 8, 2015 by sheriffali

Saddam Hussein’s Elite Force The Republican Guards That Bush And Cheney Fired They are ISIS!


When you think of Shysters, Repugnant Republican Reprobates, look no further than Barbara’s 3 sons, George, Jeb and Neil.


Neil Bush crashed the Silverado Savings and Loan costing the Taxpayers over 2 Billion Dollars.


George W Bush decimated American and the American people during the 8 years he was President. When George W Bush exited the White House on January 20, 2009, America was only inches away from becoming a Banana Republic.


Jeb Bush as Governor presided over Education along with his President Brother and committed fraud with the badly flawed program. Jeb borrowed money from a Savings and Loan to Purchase Industrial Property and never repaid the loans. Jeb Bush created the Stand Your Ground Law that has taken the lives of countless innocent people and endangers the Citizens of Florida.


Since exiting the Governorship Jeb Bush was involved with several Companies in the Health Care Business that are using Obamacare that Jeb Bush Profited from. When he decided to run for President, Jeb Bush resigned from all of them. During the Fox Freak Show Debate, Jeb Bush Advocates repealing Obamacare, tossing over 16 million people off Insurance and his resolve, “he will replace it with something better.”


In conjunction with the Present Florida Governor and the Koch Brothers, Jeb Bush is involved with dumping Toxic Waste in the many of the Florida Rivers.


The above is not accusations; they are facts and can be verified. Therefore, Republican Trolls, I know you don’t like Facts, but please understand if you disagree with what is written above, then rebut it with facts or don’t bother commenting with your hate!