Archive for September 20, 2014

Republican Congress Message To The 98%

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 20, 2014 by sheriffali

We saw the Poll before we left for Vacation that 72% said that they are dissatisfied with the GOP non-performance; however, 75% said that you wanted us to keep control of the House and take control of the Senate. We are happy that you see the sense in all of this.


We haven’t done anything for you but we are going on Vacation to do nothing until November 4, 2014 and wait for you to reelect us. We are cognizant that you know we haven’t done anything but we also know that you want us to continue to Control The House of Representatives and you want us to take Control of the Senate.


Our Polices are to Protect the high income 2%, but we need you the 98% to reelect us to continue to protects them, because, one day,  and even though we don’t know when that day will come, their riches will trickle down to you. Remember, our Great Greek god President Ronald Reagan made that promise and we are sure he will keep that promise even though he is as dead as Julius Caesar.  


Twitter @sheriffali



Since the sad passing of Tim Russert NBC Meet The Press has become a Proxy for the Republican Party!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 20, 2014 by sheriffali

The once amazing Meet The Press has fallen from grace since the passing of Tim Russert and was replaced with David Gregory for whom NBC fired and replaced Gregory with Chuck Todd.


Chuck Todd and David Gregory are different people but the common denominator remains the same; phantasmagoric rationales and internecine GOP narcissism as facts.


Chuck Todd is as bad as or even worse than David Gregory, hence, NBC would be doing its organization a huge favor by perhaps “shutting down the program.” Meet The Press has lost its legitimacy in the eyes of impartial people it once had as its Sunday Audience.


Twitter @sheriffali