Archive for September 14, 2014

The Biggest “Recruiters” For ISIS Are; CNN, FOX, Some Republican And Democrat Politicians And Here Is Why;

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 14, 2014 by sheriffali

CNN On both CNN Domestic and International they are persistent in their coverage of the murderous evildoers ISIS. CNN and their Guests can’t stop talking about ISIS in their descriptions; ISIS: A well organized group; A well financed group; A well disciplined group; A major recruiting group; A group like none before that has seized large chunks of territory and other descriptions, that awaken the minds of disenfranchised young people from all walks of life to become part of something that maybe beneficial to them, when in fact, it is the total opposite.


FOX With their disdain for President Obama they seem to always find people from the Bush Administration that are the same people that are the “creators” of all of this havoc by their unwise decision to Invade and break Iraq into fragments that are coming back to haunt us and the world. Their Guests includes the deranged notables like Dick Cheney, John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld and others that are on Fox’s Programs from 7PM through 11PM every day, including weekends. Their remarks are; Obama plan is going to fail; Obama is not going to create a coalition; Obama should put Boots on the ground; Obama is weak; Obama created the most efficient terrorist fighting force; Obama lack of action allowed ISIS to recruit tens of thousands; Obama plan cannot stop ISIS.


Analysis of CNN and FOX: One is embellishing in ISIS and the other is telling the terrorists that they have nothing to worry about. And since ISIS doesn’t have anything to worry about because Obama doesn’t know what he is doing, it emboldens those in charge of running ISIS and inspires the weak minds to want to or join the ISIS madness.


Analysis on Republican and Democrat Politicians; Most Republicans are promulgating that Obama plan doesn’t go far enough and that Obama shouldn’t take off the table, Boots on the ground and that Obama’s foreign Policy is what has turned the world upside down. As for the Democrats, they are insisting that Congress should fully debate this ISIS matter, or, Obama is going back on his word that he campaigned on in 2008 against the Iraq War.


With the two Major Cable Networks and the Politicians behavior, why should anyone, especially the terrorists take us seriously when the unwarranted disrespect for President Obama is so loudly permeated by Republicans and the Democrats Co-Presidency is equally loud. “Together we would always aspire and achieve; divided, we would always fall.”


On BBC I watched earlier Saturday night a full hour of News. BBC spent about 10 minutes of the beheading of the British Aid Worker and Prime Minister Cameron comments. BBC did call the ISIS terrorists barbaric, but, nothing that the BBC said gave any inspiration to ISIS or people that may be contemplating joining this egregious machination.


Twitter @sheriffali