Archive for September 12, 2014

Three Republican Presidents Created The Middle East Instability, GOP Blames Obama!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 12, 2014 by sheriffali

Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, George W Bush and their cronies created the Middle-East chaos over a period of 20 years and the Prejudice Republicans and their followers; some Independents and even some Democrats are shamelessly casting the blame for all that ails America on President Obama.


If Gallup is correct and the Polls turn out to be fact via action, it wouldn’t be long that America would once again roll backwards, only this time “we would become a Banana Republic.”


Gallup released a Poll on Thursday that said by a 23% margin, Americans favor Republicans to better protect America and America’s economy. If this Poll truly represents fact, then it is self evident that most Americans are so uninformed, ignorant and brainwashed by Republican “material misrepresentations,” that it is fair to say, “we are getting dumber by the day.”


Without going as far back into the first Bush and Reagan Administrations and just dealing with George W Bush’s eight years 2001-2008 as President, whereby, Republicans controlled the House of Representatives and the Senate for six of the eight years, this is factually what they manage to accomplish;


Got us into two unpaid wars at a cost to date of 5.1 trillion dollars; gave two unpaid tax cuts favoring the rich of 1.1 trillion; due to lack of Regulations for Wall Street and the Banks, the Housing Market Crashed; more than 1,000 plus banks were shut down, wiping out depositors that had in excess of $100,000.00; the stock market plunged at its lowest level for which at the end of 2008 the Dow was down to 7,200; NASDAQ fell below 2,000; S & P that house most of the 401K plans down to 730; unemployment at 10.2% and our financial system in the abyss.


Under President Obama; he ended the Iraq War; the Housing Market Rebounded; unemployment is at 6.1% with 10 Million jobs created; the Dow over 17,000; NASDA at 4,800 and the S & P over 2,000 and the Banks, more stable than any time before. Forbes Magazine in their recent issue stated that President Obama is the best Economic President in modern times.


So, the question is, “are the Polls correct or is there something sinister about the Polling?


Since the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives in 2010 and the Senate Democrats does not have a filibuster margin, the Republican Congress have done nothing but obstruct. They have blocked just about every Domestic Bill but following Dick Cheney, John Boehner and the GOP War Mongers are criticizing Obama’s plan to deal with ISIS from the air and Iraq and other countries providing the ground troops, Boehner came out on Thursday and said that Air-Strikes is not a strategy.


From Dick Cheney, Richard Haas, John Bolton and the other cronies from the Bush Administration along with the Republican Congress, they are hedging on re-invading Iraq. What is wrong with the Republican Voter that they can’t see what their Party is all about?


Twitter @sheriffali