Archive for September 11, 2014

CNN using John McCain and Fox News using Dick Cheney; different Companies but the same agenda! Bash and Discredit President Obama!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 11, 2014 by sheriffali

There isn’t any doubt that Fox News is definitely Anti-Obama. They don’t disguise their disdain for the President and all of their Hosts and their Guests, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld and the likes, their agendas are crystal clear.


However, in the case of CNN one has to look much farther. Notice CNN’S affinity with John McCain. If you want to find McCain you have to look no further than CNN. Is it because CNN is seeking objective facts from John McCain? No! CNN can count on McCain to the tell the biggest of lies and misinformation and whether it is Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Candy Crowley or others, they never question McCain’s distorted promulgation of blatant lies. For CNN, John McCain is their Guy to stir up commotions that are always factually untrue. For CNN that is News.


In 2013 John McCain was in Syria and he took out a photograph with members of ISIS. At that time McCain was highly critical of President Obama for not supporting ISIS. Then in 2014 the same John McCain is calling for President Obama to attack ISIS.  


Subsequent to President Obama’s speech on ISIS Wednesday night September 10, 2014, Anderson Cooper had multiple guests on his program. James Carney, the former White House Spokesman for President Obama and in addition to the other Guests, like a magician, Anderson Cooper pulled out John McCain as did Clint Eastwood and his Magnum in his Dirty Harry Movies.


McCain sat there and confronted Mr. Carney with lies, deception and everything that would allow the most uniformed to sense the insanity McCain possess, however, Anderson Cooper never once, challenged McCain. Does Anderson Cooper know the facts? Of course he does, but that is where the Cross Roads of CNN and FOX meet. Bash and discredit the President.


McCain claim that Obama willfully didn’t leave a residual force in Iraq is absolutely untrue. Nour al-Maliki, the man that was living in Iran in exile for 20 years, was appointed by Bush and Cheney as Prime Minister of Iraq. Bush signed an agreement in 2008 that all American Combat Forces would leave Iraq by December 31, 2011. Earlier in 2011 the Obama Administration sought a signed Status of Forces Agreement from Mr. Maliki. Maliki refused and there was no way to leave American Forces in Iraq without them being subjected to Iraqi law. There is no mystery as to why Maliki didn’t sign the agreement and that is because Maliki’s orders came from Iran and Iran didn’t want American forces in Iraq.


Hence, John McCain’s claim on Anderson Cooper’s program September 10, 2014 that we could have left troops in Iraq, is blatantly untrue.


Twitter @sheriffali



Oscar Pistorius not guilty of murder, but Court considers other lesser charges

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 11, 2014 by sheriffali

Oscar Pistorius, the South African Olympian who shot and killed his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day last year, was acquitted Thursday of murder charges, but Judge Thokozile Masipa could still find him guilty on lesser charges.


Masipa cleared Pistorius of all murder charges, including the lesser charge that he must have foreseen the likelihood that firing through the door of the bathroom, where Reeva Steenkamp had locked herself, would be likely to kill the person inside.


Pistorius admitted to firing four expanding bullets into a toilet cubicle off his bathroom. But he had insisted he mistook her for an intruder, fired unintentionally and did not mean to kill anyone.


Masipa did not find sufficient evidence to prove the prosecution’s contention that Pistorius intended to kill Steenkamp after the couple had an argument.


But the judge was continuing to deliver her verdict in a court hearing that already has lasted several hours, and could still convict him on lesser charges, including culpable homicide or intentional killing.


After the initial finding clearing him of murder, Pistorius was bent over sobbing, surrounded by family members and supporters.


The court was scheduled to resume the verdict hearing after a lunch recess.


Judge Masipa said her decision to rule out a premeditated murder conviction was based on the fact that all the evidence in the case was circumstantial. She found that many neighbors were mistaken when they thought they heard a woman screaming on the night of the incident. In fact, she concluded, the only person who screamed was Pistorius.


Twitter @sheriffali