Archive for September 8, 2014

President Obama didn’t wreck America, Obama saved America!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 8, 2014 by sheriffali

Obama is blamed for all that ails America, but, factually, Bush and Cheney recklessness that literally raped the country of precious lives lost in Iraq; tens of thousands wounded; 5.1 trillion for the two wars added to the debt; 1.1 trillion tax cuts for the rich; lack of regulations that wrecked the housing market; millions of jobs lost; the Stock Market plunged to its lowest level; 1,000 plus banks closed down and the loss of America’s goodwill worldwide; manifested itself into the United States Disaster.



President Obama has been in Office 5 years and 6 months and since that time 10 million jobs were created; the housing market rebounded; the Stock Market that is the symbol of America’s financial strength excelled; The Dow went from 7,200 to 17,000; The NASDAQ went from below 2,000 to 4,800; and the S & P that house most of the 401K plans went from 730 to over 2,000. No banks are closing down and disappearing with depositors funds; Wall Street is regulated to some degree despite Republicans opposition and according to Economists and the Wall Street Journal, under Obama spending stands at 1 ¼%, the lowest than any previous President.



Obama ended the War in Iraq but the Oil Invasion in 2003 by Bush and Cheney was always going to end up being a House of Cards. Osama bin Laden, the man that brought so much grief and destruction to America was not taken out by Bush and Cheney despite their braggadocios for the 7 years and 3 months they ran the country subsequent to September 11, 2001 disaster. Bin Laden’s death came about by one of the most risky Military Operations in modern times by our well trained men and women in Uniform, under the direction of President Obama.



Afghanistan, which was a justified War with the world supporting us, Bush and Cheney bifurcated that War to go  on their Oil Invasion of Iraq, hence the reason, 13 years later, we are still in Afghanistan.



The escalation of the number of terrorists worldwide including ISIS and Al Qaeda in Iraq is the result of Bush and Cheney toppling Saddam Hussein. As bad as we may have viewed Saddam Hussein, while under his rule he was a terror to the Iraqis, but what is more than certain, he didn’t allow terrorists to operate inside of Iraq. George W Bush’s father in 1991 could have taken out Saddam Hussein but he didn’t, and the reason is Saddam Hussein was no religious fanatic, he ran a secular Government.



So now it is incumbent on all of us to ask the question, why is it that irrespective of all that President Obama has done for America and that is without any help from the “Do Nothing Republican Obstructionist Congress,” Obama’s is demeaned by Republicans, some Congressional Democrats and a large number of the American public.


I can’t help but wonder that if Barack Obama was 100% white and Republican, how the GOP would have used him as their Poster Child to win every election for decades to come. The problem with Democrats is that most of them are timid and they seem to be born without a backbone.



All 1,500 Television Stations; 9,000 Radio Stations; 1,500 News Paper; 3,000 Magazines and the 2,400 Publishers are owned by six [6] corporations. It is no wonder good news like 288,000 jobs created in one month is news for about an hour or two, but when the job market fell in August to 142,000, they are all still beating the drum of “slow-down.”



In the final analysis, majority of Americans are uninformed, ignorant of facts and those that are not brainwashed, they are sinister about Obama’s 50% African American blood. People don’t like to talk about race, especially the Media, but race became front and center since Mr. Obama became President.



Twitter @sheriffali