Archive for October 21, 2012

If Obama was WHITE! Pretending “racism” doesn’t exist doesn’t mean that it does not!

Posted in ANN ROMNEY, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Karl Rove, Koch Brothers, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, Politics, Racism, Republicans on October 21, 2012 by sheriffali

If President Obama was “WHITE” and considering all that he has done for America, he would have been treated with much more respect and would have been called America’s Hero!


Love him or hate him; disagree with me; but if you would indulge me from a “factual” standpoint and set all prejudices aside, you may come to the same conclusion.


In 1981 Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President on January 20th 1981 and our National Debt was NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY BILLION DOLLARS. Eight years later our National Debt was TWO TRILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION.


Reagan deregulated the Savings and Loan Banks; gave massive tax cuts and created jobs mostly based on Military Spending. Reagan deregulating the Savings and Loan gave Carte Blanche to the Bankers and we had the first Bank Wreckage in our History, whereby Bank Failures cost the Tax Payers ONE TRILLION FIVE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS.


George H.W. Bush was then sworn in as President on January 20th 1989 and our National Debt was TWO TRILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION, and when Bush left office in 1983 our National Debt was FOUR TRILLION, ONE BILLION.


Bill Clinton was sworn in as President on January 20th 1993 and our National Debt was FOUR TRILLION, ONE BILLION and when Bill Clinton left office our National Debt was FIVE TRILLION, SIX HUNDRED BILLION. Bill Clinton left a BALANCED ANNUAL BUDGET with a projected surplus of FIVE TRILLION.


George W. Bush was sworn in as President on January 20th 2001 and our National Debt was FIVE TRILLION, SIX HUNDRED BILLION and Bush was handed a BALANCED BUDGET.


Bush initiated two wars and gave two massive tax cuts that benefitted the two percent (2%) upper income earners. Both wars and both tax cuts were placed on America’s Credit Card. In addition, the Balanced Budget that Clinton left Bush was totally out of balance and the projected surplus just vanished. Both Wars were in Chaos; THREE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND JOBS were lost during Bush’s eight years in office; banks were failing by large numbers every month and the job losses continued into the exit of Bush’s Presidency to the tune of EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND PER MONTH, and our Financial Institutions and Financial System were on the brink of collapse.


Barak Obama was sworn in as President on January 20th 2009 and our National Debt was TEN TRILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION and in addition Bush left unpaid bills totaling almost FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS and a fallen Dow Jones down to 6,500.


Three years and nine months into Obama’s Presidency, our National Debt stands at SIXTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS; [OF THE FIVE TRILLION INCREASE, eighty eight percent went to paying off debts that were left by George W. Bush]. Our Financial System is sound and out of the danger of total collapse as evidenced by a Stock Market [Dow Jones] now at 13,500; for the past thirty one months job gains every consecutive month totaling FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND JOBS; Obama ended the war in Iraq; had Osama Bin Laden Killed and decimated Al Qaeda’s Leadership; instituted Health Care Reform after seventy years of previous Presidents all talk and no cattle;


And yet, everything that has been going wrong and has been wrong with America for decades, somehow it is Obama’s fault solely because he is HALF AFRICAN AMERICAN. [People can call me a racist but I am neither White nor Black and I am not racist.]