Archive for October 18, 2012

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was the first Bill President Obama signed into law in 2009.

Posted in America's 2%, America's 98%, ANN ROMNEY, Bermuda, Binders of women, Cayman Islands, Completely Wrong, Current events, Deregulation, Extreme Views, George W. Bush, Housing Market, Human Vulture, Liar, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Politics, Republicans, Right Wing Extremists, Scrooge, Shyster, Women's Rights on October 18, 2012 by sheriffali

This is another realistic example of how President Obama “stands” up for women’s rights period. And yes, this is another example of Mitt Romney’s hypocrisy on women’s rights!


This Act levels the playing field for women to be paid the same as their male counter-part for doing the same job as men do, but when Mitt Romney was asked about his thoughts on this Legislation, his answer was: “I will get back with you!”


On January 22, 1973, Roe V Wade, The Supreme Court in a Landmark decision with a 7 – 2 majority vote in favor of Roe; a woman’s right to choose [410 U.S. 113] became the law of the land. This law that has been protecting the rights of women to choose going on 40 years, Mitt Romney during the Primaries said that if he becomes President, he would support Legislation to overturn Roe V Wade. Mr. Romney was so extreme in his advocacy; he went on to say “all abortions would be illegal, even in the case of incest, rape or the risk of the Mother’s life.”


And now like everything else, Mitt Romney is signing a different tune because he needs the women’s vote. Why women would lend their support to Mitt Romney, would forever remain inconceivable to me.


Everything Mitt Romney stood for prior, when he sought the Republican Nomination in 2007, he flip flopped and was against it. And now in 2012, he has changed his mind again, trying to walk back his extremism.