Archive for August 10, 2011

ABC NEWS ANCHOR – Bob Woodruff, fell into a coma for 36 days and explains his out of body experience on ABC – NIGHTLINE, August 3, 2011

Posted in Uncategorized on August 10, 2011 by sheriffali

Bob Woodruff – ABC NEWS was injured inIraqin 2006. The vehicle he was traveling in was hit by a (IED) Improvised Explosive Device. He remained in a coma for 36 days. In this Video he explains “his out-of-body experience,” with others who have had the same or similar experience.


See the ABC VIDEO in its entirety;



In 1996 I fell into a diabetic coma for six days and six nights. Had I not had this experience it would be difficult for me to relate to Mr. Woodruff’s experience, but because of my own “out of body experience,” I do not question anything he has stated. I wrote out what I saw whilst in the coma and posted it on my web site. And yes, I went through the gate of Hades and that is where Christ intervened and bestowed unto me, a foretaste of Heaven.


The fact that ABC News allowed this broadcast is amazing in itself, because this type of subject for the most part, is deemed anti-social, embarrassing or is usually hidden from the public. But, stop and think for a moment and maybe you might come to the conclusion, “That God allowed this ABC 44 minutes video to be aired, just for you!”