Nate Silver’s “Five thirty Eight” Gives Hillary Clinton 81% Chance Of Being America’s 45TH President. Support And Vote Hillary Clinton And The Democratic Down Tickets!


Ivanka Trump Works For Her Father And Is Fully Cognizant That Donald Trump Is A Con Man, Bankruptcy Swindler, Fraudster And Ivanka Trump Knows Of All Of The Innocent People Her Father Has Embezzled. Yet, Ivanka Stood On The Stage In Ohio, Endorsing Her Crooked Father To Be President To Do To America What He Has Done For His Companies – 4 Bankruptcies; 4.7 Billion Dollars; 3,500 Plus Law Suits, Mostly For Not Paying His Bills And Embezzling Vulnerable People With A Fake University. The Trumps And The Republicans Are Shamelessly And Morally Bankrupt.


We cannot depend on the Anti-Hillary Corporate Owned Media to give Democrats equal time now that the Republican Dog and Pony Convention Show is over. The Media afforded the GOP Nominee, Donald Trump, Con Man, Bankruptcy Swindler, University Fraudster, Bigot, Fascist, Misogynist, Racist and Humanity’s biggest Liar, innumerable Free Hours Of Air Time, during the Primary and subsequently. CNN has hired Surrogates Paid by Donald Trump and also paid by CNN to be part of every CNN PROGRAM. MSNBC is not far behind and FOX NEWS has always been the Republican Mouth Piece.


We Democrats and the sensible Republican Voters must understand that Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Down Tickets need all the help we can provide via Social Media. For those that are not aware, Social Media is much more powerful than the Corporate Owned Media. There aren’t any Real Television Anchors anymore, “there are just Puppets posing as Anchors that are being pulled by their Corporate Bosses to not report the news, but to influence your thinking. After all, the only thing The Corporate Media cares about is not what’s best for America; they only care about their Ratings and how much more Mammon they can deposit in their Bank Accounts.


Republicans have been a disgrace to America; however, they have really crossed the line in embarrassing America by Nominating the most Crooked Man, Liar and Racist, as their Nominee for President.


In the words of President John F. Kennedy; “It is never too late to do the right thing!” Stop the Republicans and Donald Trump from entering the White House and remove control from the GOP of both the Senate and the house.


Support and Vote Hillary Clinton President and Vote for a Democratic Controlled Senate and House.


Twitter @sheriffali




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