The juxtaposition of Obama and Romney shed light on the antithesis of who really cares about America!

Mr. Optimist, President Obama, beat the crap out of the whining, Pontificating Pessimists, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the GOP establishment!


The Republican paradox that giving more huge tax cuts that favors the richest two percent of Americans would somehow help the other ninety-eight percent; is incongruous.


We have the facts on our side to prove otherwise. Former President George W. Bush’s 2001 and 2003 trillion dollar tax cut for the rich still exists today and where has it gotten us? It didn’t create jobs during Bush’s Presidency and as a matter of fact we lost more than three million jobs during Bush’s Stewardship of the economy.


We are at the edge of the financial cliff and “we” must rectify by undoing the Republican’s “pledge” to the lobbyist Grover Norquist. Just imagine, Grover Norquist introduced this pledge in 1986 and it was sanctioned by then, former President Ronald Reagan. [The Republicans Greek god]


The pledge that has torpedoed progress for America’s Middle-Class!


Below is the verbatim of the pledge and I have filled it out using Paul Ryan’s name. Mitt Romney also signed the pledge.


“I, Paul Ryan, pledge to the taxpayers of the 1st District of the State of Wisconsin, and to the American people that I will:  ‘ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses; and TWO, oppose any net reduction of elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.”  


This pledge is not for the greater good of 98% of the hard working American people, but it is about the Republicans using this pledge to sustain America’s 2% upper-class to become even richer!




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