Donald Trump’s Unprecedented Treason And Corruption That Are Being Enabled By Republicans Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell And Others, Is A Direct Threat To Our Democracy And Has Placed America In A “State Of Emergency.”

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Donald Trump is removing Prosecutors that have been the Bastion of upholding America’s Democracy by objectively investigating corruption and they are being replaced with “Trump And The GOP Cronies.”


Politico has done an amazing job in connecting the “DOTS” of the Trump Russia Ties using seven charts, please open the link, I promise, you wouldn’t regret it –


Never before in American History of 240 years has there ever been this level of Treason and Corruption and most amazing, Republicans who always proclaim to be Patriots defending the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, they seem to be “Knee-Deep” with Donald Trump ties to Russia and Trump’s Corruption within the United States.


This is a defining and pivotal moment for America because Republicans are controlling the White House, The Senate, The House Of Representatives and 32 Governorships. It is difficult to ascertain what the Republican Voters were or are thinking to have placed “ONE” Party with such outlandish degree of fraud, that has in Trump’s first 50 days as President, damaged the very fabric of America’s Democracy.


Those that stand for Honesty, Decency and Democracy, yes, it is a difficult time, but “Americans have always endured and overcame and yes, we shall overcome again.” The Resistance and the Protests must be enlarged and continue with no respite.


Months of South Koreans Protests led to the Impeachment and removal of South Korea’s President and the Arrest of Samsung’s CEO for Corruption. If South Korea can do it, so can we!


Twitter @sheriffali

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