Trump Wants The American People To Stop Protesting So He Can “Enjoy” The White House


President Trump is very upset. According to anonymous White House aides, the women’s march gave him bad media coverage, which is preventing him from enjoying the White House like he feels he deserves.


The AP reported:


After relishing in Friday’s inaugural festivities, the new president grew increasingly upset the next day by what he felt was “biased” media coverage of women’s marches across the globe protesting his election, according to a person familiar with his thinking. Trump was particularly enraged with CNN, which he thought was “gloating” by continually running photos of the women’s march alongside the smaller crowds that attended his inauguration the day before, according to this person, one of several White House aides and associates who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about private conversations.


The bad press over the weekend has not allowed Trump to “enjoy” the White House as he feels he deserves, according to one person who has spoken with him.

The President seems to think that the White House is some sort of vacation getaway. The President Of The United States doesn’t get to “enjoy” the White House. He was sent there to do a job, and I am sure that the millions of Americans who protested on Saturday aren’t sorry at all that they disrupted Trump’s enjoyment of his weekend.


Trump was blaming the media for the “bad press,” but the protests were at the heart of why he was so outraged. The protests drew bigger crowds and got more coverage than he did one day after taking office. While Trump was blaming the media coverage, the reality is that the protests got so much coverage because they were massive and well organized.


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