READ: Longtime NYC Reporter’s Epic Takedown Of Rudy Giuliani’s ‘Love’

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s recent accusation that President Obama does not love America prompted a scathing takedown of the Republican politician’s ideas about “love” from one of the journalists who knows him best.

Journalist Wayne Barrett, a former reporter and editor of The Village Voice and the author of “Rudy: An Investigative Biography,” left no embarrassing stone unturned in his epic takedown published by the New York Daily News.

Turning Giuliani’s words against him, Barrett reviewed the ex-mayor’s spotted history with women, his consulting gigs for dictatorships, and his evasion of military service.


Take a peek at the op-ed:


Ask Regina Peruggi, the second cousin he grew up with and married, who was “offended” when Rudy later engineered an annulment from the priest who was his best man on the grounds, strangely enough, that she was his cousin. Or ask Donna Hanover, the mother of his two children, who found out he wanted a separation when he left Gracie Mansion one morning and announced it at a televised press conference. …


Rudy may have forgotten the half-dozen deferments he won ducking the Vietnam War, even getting the federal judge he was clerking for to write a letter creating a special exemption for him. And remember Bernie Kerik? He’s the Giulaini police commissioner, business partner and sidekick whose nomination as homeland security secretary narrowly preceded indictments. He then did his national service in prison.


Read the whole thing at the New York Daily News.


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