Sanctimonious, High-Ranking Republicans presently Indicted, Under Investigation and In Trial, but they are always accusing others of breaking the Law!

Bob McDonald, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, John Boehner, Nathan Deal and Rick Perry:


The Twelve [12] Poorest States are Republican Run Red States that have the most uneducated, uninformed, uninsured, very dim future outlook and are “preyed” upon by Republicans and Fox News. Republicans take advantage of the Middle-Class and Poor Republicans by blaming President Obama for their suffering in order to maintain their base.


These Poor Republican Run Red States have been in the same predicament for decades and rather than provide a better life for their constituencies, they keep them drunk on material misrepresentations of Abortion, Deficits, National Debt, Conservatism  and total misrepresentations of the [Second Amendment], Gun Rights. These people don’t have an education, but they are happy that they can carry loaded Guns into Bars, Schools, on the Streets and Churches. This is the Republican way of being able to continue to pick the pockets of their base.


Fox News does the same but only for a different reason and that is to maintain their base by feeding fact less nonsense, hate, bigotry and just straight out lies to the uneducated and uninformed. All one has to do to ascertain the ignorance of the Fox Viewers is to read the butchered comments on Fox’s Facebook and other Social Media Outlets. 


Former President Lyndon B Johnson was asked; Why Poor And Middle Class Republicans Vote Against Their Own Interest? President Johnson’s response;


“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s is better than the best colored man, he won’t know you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him someone to look down on and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” Lyndon B Johnson


Please note:


Use of Former President Lyndon B Johnson statement is not an indictment on all whites, it was used in the context of Republicans having “preyed” and continue to “prey” on the uninformed into actually brainwashing them. Racism exists in all Societies. “It is easier to fool someone than to convince them that they are being fooled.”


However, I do believe that most people today do recognize that since Barack Obama became President, President Johnson’s statement remains alive and well. Look at the “Trolls” commenting on Fox News and on Remarks made my Republicans and it is self evident that Johnson’s statement is actual facts. The Trolls comment reads; Obama is dumb! Obama is stupid: Obama is the worst President ever, and things of that nature.


Considering President Obama graduated Magana Cum Laude From Harvard and taught Constitutional Law and in one attempt at the age of 46, he was elected President of The United States with approximately 65 million votes that included Whites, Blacks, Hispanic, Orientals and across the spectrum. In 2012, despite the fierce Opposition and thrashing by the Republicans, Obama was reelected with approximately 65 million votes.


Considering the damage Bush and Cheney did to America in their eight years of America’s Steward, Obama’s accomplishments are humongous. But, would the Right-Wing which includes Fox News and the other extremists ever give President Obama credit, “not in this life time.”


Twitter @sheriffali


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