India, the new Nigeria for Internet and phone Scams! It is real; don’t be a “victim!”

Using the Internet and the United States Telephone Companies System, Indian criminals are like the locusts that are swooping over Egypt.


It seems apparent that India that has benefitted much from the West investments into “call centers; manufacturing and distribution,” not all, but a large number of New Criminals are coming out of India and reaping havoc on the American people.


I have unequivocal evidence of Indian people from India that have attempted to defraud me just over the past week. (March 5, 2013 – March 8, 2013)


I received a telephone call from a United States Telephone Number 253-235-2435 from a man who identified himself as Kevin Peterson. He had one of the deepest Indian accents and there was no mistaken that he was Indian. And this is how brazen these people have become. He said and I quote:


“I am Kevin Peterson and I am with the United States Custom’s Department. You are in big trouble and if you don’t follow my instructions, these troubles would ruin you.” [This man whoever he is had my social security number; my home address; my business address and to me, that is highly dangerous.]


 I inadvertently allowed my temper to get the better of me and I said to the man; “You are one of those Indian Criminals trying to defraud me like you have other people. I said, I am going to report you to the F.B.I. and they would find you wherever you are. At that point he hung up the phone. I immediately called the number 253-235-2435 and I got a voice message recording that says; “This is the United States Customs Office, leave a message and someone will get back to you.” The funny thing is that the voice message was made by the same man that called me with the deep Indian accent.


The other call came later in the week from 877-308-4487. This was another Indian person this time claiming to be an Attorney for USA finance Company. After reading my Social Security Number, address and other vital information, he told me that I borrowed 100,000 US dollars from USA Finance Company and I did not pay them back. He said they were going to file suit against me and the only way to stop the suit is for me to wire via Western Union, 90,000 US dollars to him. Just imagine, I have no idea who is USA Finance Company; I have no loans from any finance company or banks, and yet, with such brazenness, this person calls me. I told this man in a calm voice that what he was doing is wrong and he is disgracing his Country and that the Law will catch up with him. In a softer voice than when he first spoke, he told me he was sorry.


There were numerous other calls and attempted fraud, but, I happen to be one of the people that are aware of these crimes, because, Capital One Bank notified me in writing that I was a “victim” of Identity Theft and in many ways that helped me to be prepared to deal with the unexpected. Others haven’t. An American woman lost $39,000.00 US dollars to an Indian Shyster. The Shyster didn’t stop there, he went after a Canadian woman and that is how the authorities in America and Canada tracked him down in India, and the Indian Authorities have arrested him.


After the calls I gathered myself rather quickly and began to put the pieces together as to how to I can be of assistance to others who may have had the same situation happened to them. I checked the search engines, Google Chrome and others and if you type in India/Internet Scams, there are pages and pages of every scam that are beyond your own imagination.


I am an active member of the three Credit Reporting Agencies and I placed a block on my credit reports. Within the next day or two I am going to send a certified letter to the Indian High Commissioner in Washington D.C. There is an email address for India Times News Paper that is currently reporting on the spiraling of these scams. The address is;  In addition, there is an Indian USA Hotline for the reporting of fraud committed by Indians 800-209-6789.


The Telephone Companies and other Companies like Google that assign free telephone numbers to you if you are a member of Google plus, they are also responsible for perpetuating theses crimes. They are so busy trying to make more money than they can spend; they sacrifice your security for MAMMON!


Follow me on Twitter @sheriffali







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