Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, The Koch Brothers; do you think that they are on your side?




If our memory is so short to forget the suffering former President George W. Bush and his party left us in, literally hanging over the Financial Cliff and can’t see that there isn’t one penny worth of difference between Mitt Romney and George W. Bush, then vote for Romney and watch him actually throw America off the cliff.


Fact, not hyperbole; Mitt Romney formed 137 (Shell) Companies in the Caymans for the sole purpose of avoiding taxes in order to enrich his own pocket. If Mr. Romney wanted to just chase money then there wouldn’t be a problem at all, but he wants to be President of the United States, a man who has bank accounts in Bermuda, Switzerland, made a major investment in China’s Oil Industry and who wouldn’t release more than two years of tax returns; a man who have been telling the American people I would give everyone a 20% tax reduction across the board that totals five trillion dollars; add two trillion dollars to the defense budget and keep Bush’s tax cut of one trillion dollars and that he would still balance the budget, how stupid are the people to believe such phantasmagoric rationales and internecine policies?



The uninformed Voters



Just imagine how shallow we have become in America! Obama had a lack-luster debate; Romney on the other hand lied and disavowed everything he stood for and the majority of Americans gave Romney the victory in the debate!


I wonder if America sees how unequivocally stupid we are viewed, especially when we continually try to tell the rest of the world about Democracy, Honesty, and in addition, criticize other world Leaders for duplicity!


What an exceptional example we are providing to our children – Lying is a virtue; believing in nothing and chasing money will help build their character. When you grow up hide your money in Bermuda, The Caymans and Switzerland, Invest in China, Vote to give more to the wealthy and your country would be better from the trickled down economics. O yes! We are doing a fine job. We ought to be sincerely ASHAMED!


The reason why the Polls are so extreme is not because of the Pollsters, but solely because the American people, not all but many, have no in-depth knowledge of how just how corrupt Politicians are, especially the Republicans.


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